Chapter 3: Special Assignment

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The next day was the day that I discovered the truth about Greenwhich High. I was sitting in the gym during fifth period when the teacher announced that we would be starting a special “project” and that he had spent the previous night putting together the groups we would be in.

“When I tell you what groups you will be put it, I would like you to go line up together on the back wall. . . Do you all understand?” Mr. Truman said.

“Yes, sir.” Everyone replied in unison.

“Okay. Francheska Johnson, Natalie Goode, and Brendon Ritcherson, you all will be in group one. . .”

Nearby, I heard Francheska gasp and then she stormed up to Mr. Truman.

“Excuse me sir, but Jonah and I are always in the same group, along with JonPierre and Valista. Um. . . Are you sure you didn't read the sheet wrong?”

“No, Francheska. I read the sheet correctly. Now, if you don't mind I am going to read off the rest of the groups.” He said in a final authoritative tone.

“But, sir.”

“Miss. Johnson, if you do not go stand with your group on the back wall, then I will send you to the principal's office.”

“Yes, sir.” She said, frowning as she dragged herself to the back of the gym.

“Alright. Now, before I was rudely interrupted, where was I? Oh, right. Group two will have, Valerie Turpin, Naumi, and Jonah Axton. You guys may go stand with the other group now.”

“Hello, I'm Naumi. What's your name?” A girl with long black hair and dark brown eyes asked me as I walked towards the back wall.

“Oh. Er-Um. . . I'm Valerie Turpin.” I replied and then before she could say anything I said, “Yes, before you ask, I am the new girl from Chainwood.”

“Well, it's nice to meet you, Valerie. So, how do you like Greenwhich?” Naumi asked, grinning happily.

“Well, it's okay. I mean, it's a lot different than the schools where I come from. Just yesterday I saw two girls take their own hands off of their arm. Strange, right?”

“If you thought that was strange just wait until you find out about this project. I heard that its whole purpose is to teach us how to use our magic and everything. . .”

“Wait. Did you say magic?” I asked her, but when she answered I didn't hear a word she said because I saw Jonah enter the gym and walk up to the teacher and ask him something. Once the teacher gave him his answer, Jonah walked over to our group and then he greeted me with an open face.

“Hello, Valerie. I thought we would see each other again.” He stated.

“Um. . . Yeah. Me too. . .” Was all I could say as I gazed into his eyes. Today they seemed to be even more beautiful than when I first saw them yesterday.

“Hey, Jonah! Did you hear about the special project that we're starting today?” Francheska asked him as she nearly skipped over to our group.

“Yes, Francheska. I did hear.” He replied in a frustrated tone.

“We'll get to work on our magical skills today! Aren't you excited, Jonah? Ooh! This means I'll get to see your elemental sorcerer powers today, right?” She grinned happily.

“Sure, Francheska. Sure. . .”

“I must be hearing things, or did you guys just say we would be working on our magical skills today?” I questioned, truly baffled.

“No, you heard right.” Naumi answered.

“What the hell are you talking about then? Magic isn't real!” I declared. These kids were completely insane. Magic didn't exist and this school most definitely didn't teach it.

“Is there a problem, Miss. Turpin?” Mr. Truman asked as he walked over to us when he heard my outburst.

“Yes, sir. There is. You see, everyone here thinks that our assignment today requires us to use magic. Um, sir? This can't be true, can it? I mean, magic isn't real.”

“You mean to tell us that the High Masters didn't tell you and all of this time that you've been going here you never figured out that this is a magic school?” Jonah asked, truly shocked.

“Who are the High Masters? Is this a joke? Am I being pranked?” I was very, very confused.

“No, Valerie. This is the truth. Magic is real.” Naumi assured me.

“But, how is that even possible? No, I don't believe it. I need to see the proof.”

“Okay. You want proof? Then I'll give you proof.” Francheska stated and then before I knew what was happening a bright light filled the air and then within the next second I was running as fast as I could away from what appeared to be a wolf-like beast.

“Francheska?! What did you do?” I heard Jonah shout.

“I only showed her the proof that magic is real.” She said, giving him a look like she was all sweet and innocent.

“Noo!” I screamed as the beast lunged at me. I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself for the pain that was to come, but it never did. When I opened my eyes I realized that there was a pinkish-purple shield that was protecting me from Francheska's monster. I looked around to see who had made the shield and gasped when I realized that I was the creator.

“How the heck did I do that?” I muttered to myself and then when the wolf started to attack the shield, I began to panic and it started to fail.

“Oh, no!” I declared as the shield finally went away and the wolf lunged towards my throat.

The last thing I remember before I blacked out was seeing Jonah attack the wolf monster. . .

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