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This might be triggering I'm sorry :(


Mitch POV

I climbed onto the tour bus after our first show in Columbia, Ohio.

I looked up to see Scott talking with Kirstie and I smiled at them.

Kirstie grinned back and waved me over, but Scott just looked at the ground.

I walked over and sat down next to Kirstie, avoiding Scott because I knew he was going to ask me about what I said the other day.

I didn't really mean it.

And I felt bad because no matter how many times I tell myself to ignore the haters, I had let Scott down and let them hurt me.

"Wanna watch Frozen?" Kirstie asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I hesitated before saying, "Um, not really."

Her smile faded a litte, the excitement in her eyes turning to sadness.

"Mitchie are you ok?" she asked.

"Yea, im fine" I said, pulling out my phone to avoid talking to her.

I clicked on twitter before turning back to Kirstie, who was staring at my phone.

"Listen, Kirst. I love you and everything, but I'm really tired. Im gonna go to bed. But you should totally watch it with Scott. He loves that movie" I said getting up.

Her smile totally dropped this time, and I walked out of the room before she could reply.

I walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed, because I was actually tired.

I was scrolling through twitter and I saw some comments from fans so I decided to read them.

'Aren't you a grown man? Why are you watching little kid shows? Loser'

'Why do you have so many fans if you suck? Probably only because you never put a shirt on and people like looking at that even if you're anorexic.'

I read about 10 more before I snapped.

The tears started to come down faster than I had expected, and I knew I was about to start sobbing.

I quickly locked the door and just as I heard the click, the first sob came.

I dropped to the floor and I put my head in my hands, sobbing loudly.

I heard feet running and voices speaking.

"Mitch? Are you in there?" I heard Kevin ask.

"Kev, that's defiantly him. Let's get Scott" Avi said.

Soon enough they went, and came back with Scott.

Someone started pounding on the door, and I said through sobs, "Leave me alone."

"Mitchie, please come out" Scotts heartbroken voice said through the door.

That just made me cry harder.

I got up slowly and I was about to open the door for Scott when my phone dinged.

I walked over to pick it up and saw a few more hate tweets.

'You should kill yourself.'

'I bet you cut, which explains why you were big sweaters all the time.'

'I bet you're parents shoved you back into the closet when you came out.'

I kept re-reading the one about cutting, and I started to seriously think.

My thoughts took over my mind and I looked around the bathroom just to find a small piece of glass in the corner.

'Perfect' I thought.

I grabbed it and rolled up my sleeves.

I could hear the voices outside the door but I didn't process what they said.

I put the cool glass against my skin and pressed down.

A pain ran through my body, but I didn't stop.



3 cuts.

Soon enough I had cuts littered across my pale skin, the blood running down.

I counted 18 in all, but simply continued on the other arm.

I had just gotten to 26 when the door burst open to a worried Scott, a growing Avi (A/N OHMYGOD HAHA A GROWING AVI I MEANT A FROWNING AVI), a crying Kirstie, and a Kevin who was typing furiously on his phone.

Scoot gasped and walked forward towards me, tears in his eyes.

"Mitchie..." he whispered, his voice cracking.

And that's when I blacked out.



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