🌸Chappie 1🌸

253 17 7

Pic of Evangeline in media( pink hair blue eyes: 5'3)
"Momma!" A little eight year old shouted, in pure ecstasy.
The girl leaned over the railings of a crib and saw her newborn baby brother.
"What's his name Momma? What does he eat?"
'Momma' slowly got out of her chair, with a warm smile on her face,"His name is Louis, dear." The tired woman chuckled before adding," and he eats soft foods until he grows in some teeth."
The little girl looks up in confusion, "Soft foods? Like bananas? Ewwwwwww!" The girl scrunched her nose in disgust before looking back at her baby brother.

"I'll protect you Louis, you can count on that." She whispers softly before grinning up at her mother, "Can we watch Cinderella, momma?"


"Oh dear." I whisper nervously, as my boss walks out with a red face.
"Why are you late?!", I shift back in forth before responding, "U-Uh well you see sir', my brother's bus got cancelled so I had to go a-and pick him up."
Boss looks more relaxed and smirks, "You're fired, I don't need a lazy employee in my restaurant." My eyes start to water as I feel like the breath got knocked out of me. "Oh! Sir! Please don't fire me! I'll work this Tuesday! To make it up to you! Please sir!"
He looks at me, amused. " Get out of here, you useless brat." I frown, I need another job. I dash out of there, and run a few blocks down to my second job, at a hair Stylist shop called Benjie's Style. I walk in, the normal smell of hair products and Cinnamon hit me in a strong wave. As I walk in the bells chime and Susanna greets me with a cheery smile. "Honey, your usual customer has been waiting."
My eyes widen in shock, as I hurriedly apologize to her, explaining my current situation.
She frowns, "It's alright honey, I'll try to get you a raise!" I smile up at her, relieved that she understands.
Susanna is a sweet middle aged woman with auburn hair and hazel eyes. She's the second in command, as you would call it, at Benjies Style. I thank her before rushing to the back, where rows of aprons line the walls. I grab a purple one and tie it around me, dashing to my usual salon chair.
I bet you're wondering, 'don't you have to have a degree for being a hair stylist?'. To be honest yes. But I used to do my brothers hair, since we could never afford an expensive hair cut, and I'm a natural.
I walk over to my purple and teal themed booth and smile at my usual customer, Tamaki Suoh.
"Hello, Tamaki-Senpai!
He smiles a charming smile and greets me with a Rose, "Hey Evangeline, How are you today? How's your family?"
I start to get the washing station ready as I talk over the running water, "I'm doing okay, I just got fired from my other job, and They're doing great! Little Louis is learning how to write in cursive at school now!"
Tamaki-Senpai smiles softly as I continue to ramble, as I scrub his hair underneath the warm water.
"What have you been doing lately?" I question as I smile down at him, "What's the club like?"
As he describes them in vivid detail I dry off his hair and bring him over to the salon chair. He bumps into the corner of a table and shrieks in pain, Clutz. I stifle my laughter as I steer him clear of any 'sharp objects'. "Wow, you're still a clutz?" I question with a smirk, he heavily blushes and plops down onto the seat with a groan, "Shaddup."
As I comb through his hair, a thought came up, one that would save my family for having to pay for me and Louis' education. "Hey Tamaki," I whisper, suddenly serious "Do you think my brother and I could get into Ouran on a scholarship?" He turns around quickly with joy in his eyes?, and a smile on his lips.
"Of course you can, Angel! You're smart and funny and-" I cut him off, "Okay okay thank you!" I exclaim with a grin.
"I'll take the exam soon, I'm excited." He grins and turns back around. I giggle and start to trim his blond locks, while he rambles on about the 'shady twins' and their pranks.


I kick off my shoes as I lean against the door. After my clients at Benjies Style, I went out in search of another job. Luckily I found one, but it's in a hotel. I'm in charge of cooking meals. Once again I've had tons of practice at home.
My eyes wander around til I find the small body of my baby brother sleeping on the couch. I smile softly as I pick up the note that sat behind his head.

DEer AngelInE,
I TriED sTaying uP I reely did!
LoVe YOu
FroM Louis

I giggled as I notice his attempt at cursive and spelling. I clip the note on the fridge, and head back to Louis' sleeping form. The clock on the wall said it was just past 9pm.

'CUTE' i gush inside my head, as I lean down to kiss his forehead, with a grunt I pick him up and set him in his small, dingy twin bed. I pull up the covers and turned off the light.

"Goodnight, sweet dreams love. " I whisper before going to take a shower.


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