🌸Chappie 2🌸

212 11 4

(Louis in the media)

  I sigh as I finish all my appointments for the day. My next job doesn't start til 7pm, it's 3pm right now. I tuck some hair behind my ear before removing my apron from around my waist. I throw it in the dirty Smocks and apron bin, and clean up my feminine station. As I lean down to grab my keys and purse, my work phone rings.

Kiss kiss fall in love!
I see yo-

"This is Evangeline Ronelli at Benjies Style, how may I help you?" I answer cheerfully, as I await the callers response.
"This is Kyoya Ootori, a friend of your regular, Tamaki Suoh." the caller answers flatly, "Could you possibly bring your utensils, and meet us at Ouran High?"

I silently look down at my watch, 10 minutes has passed, giving me more than enough time.
I giggle, the Ouran High School!
"Yes, that'd be no problem at all, what time?" I answer while smiling. "As soon as possible." He states and then hangs up.

I frown at the phone before tossing it in my bags before gathering up my utensils.
As I wave bye to my coworkers a limo appears out front, and I look around before peering inside.
"Are you Ms. Renolli?" A man questions with black shades on, " yes?" I respond unsurely, "Mr. Ootori demands that I bring you to Ouran." I blink once. Then twice.
"Okay then!" I giggle cheerfully as I hop into the backseat.
As I look around, I can't help but gasp, they have a table in here!!
I smile before pulling out my phone, and text my momma.

I know I haven't introduced her yet, but she doesn't really play a role in my brothers or my life. Besides me having to pay for the medical bills, we don't have any contact. A few months ago we found out she had a rare condition called Cotards Delusion. We were told that it's a rare thing that makes the victim believe that they have lost organs, blood, body parts, or insisting that they have no soul or they are dead.

    Momma was dangerous to herself and the people around her, so they had to put her in a special room at the hospital. Which cost a lot of our money. That's why I have to work two jobs, and I'm being Schooled by Susanna at work. I'd be in first year of high school right now, if I attend Ouran. The scenery changes as we enter a huge gate, pink buildings loom over the car as we drive past them.

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