🌸Chappie 3🌸

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I gasp silently, admiring the graceful, pink building. The architecture is amazing! The gardens are well kept, the entrance is stunning, and it all looks so, just so classy!
"We've arrived, Mr. Ootori should be waiting in the front." The chauffeur announces with a monotone voice and his useless shades.

   I giggle before grinning and twirling, my pink sundress twirls around me as I spin. The cherry blossom trees sway wonderfully as the petals drift around.

I tuck a strand of hair behind my hair as I straighten my dress. First appearances are everything! I grin giddily as I make my way inside of the beautifully designed school. As soon as I enter I knew i will have trouble finding the 'Host Club'.

A small ding comes from my purse, telling me I have a message. I shuffle through my freaking enormous bag before finding my work phone.

Mr. Ootori: Music Room 3
Me: Huh?
Mr. Ootori: That's where you need to be.

I silently face palm myself as I start to walk down the halls, in search of Music room 3. This place is big enough for 3?!? I sigh and walk past a dim lit door, looking shady. I sweat drop as a cat puppet pops out, then an arm, and finally a boy with a black cloak and green hair.

"Uh.....Hello?", I greet the shady looking person. His grin not faltering in the slightest.

"Hi, Call me Nekozowa. Would you like to join the Black magic Club?", he says with a mysteriously, creepy voice.

"Eh, No thank you. I'm not a student here!" I explain as I dash off, hoping to get away from that creepy encounter. I really need to find the Music room, I'm pretty sure I'm late.

As I was thinking I bumped into a wall, a very hard wall. A very muscul- wait! What?! Eh, that's not a wall. I giggle nervously look up at the giant that stood in front of me.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" I bow hastily, he simply stares at me. He had short black hair and gray, calculating eyes.

"Its fine." He simply answers before patting my head. I scrunch my nose up as he does this, confused to the pat.

I bite my lip nervously as I question him, "Do you happen to know where Music room 3 is?"

He simply nods and turns the other way. I watch him go before I realize he wants me to follow him, oops!
I jog up behind him, still carrying all my bags.
"Do you know a Tamaki Suoh? Or possibly a Kyoya Ootori?" I question him, wanting to start a conversation.
The tall guy, I really need to ask his name, nods his head before looking back at me, "Mori." He states monotonous.(No idea if I'm using this word in the right context)
"My name."
"Oh!," I giggle shyly as I stick my hand out, "I'm Evangeline Ronelli; Angel for short!" I state cheerfully as we shake hands.

When I turn, I realize we are at a door, the sign above saying Music room 3. I sigh exhaustedly, "Finally!" I mumble before Mori reaches towards the door handle. He pulls it open as a flurry of Rose petals float down gracefully, creating a fairytale effect.
The graceful scene is quickly ruined by a small blonde child eating cake with a pink, stuffed rabbit. Two ginger twins wreaking havoc as they get kicked out of a....dressing room? Kyoya Ootori simply holding a black notebook, scribbling down notes. And finally, Tamaki freaking out over me being late. I twitch as Tamaki-Senpai starts to go to his 'gloom corner'.

I set all my stuff out before sneaking over to the dramatic blonde. As he crouched I lean over and whisper, "What did I say about the gloom corner, Tamaki?" He freezes up and turns around slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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