Part 5
Tiana pov
its a beautiful moring
tiana: *wakes up*
TM and TD: tiana!!! get down here now!!!
tiana: coming!!! *runs downstairs*
TM:*holds out a used pregnacy test* so youve been having sex huh?
tiana: mami i-i*starts to cry*
TD: how could you do this to us princess?
tiana: papi me and rayquan had sex when you left the house last week
TM: *slaps tiana* you go and screw around with him and just think its okay?!?!
TD: wheres rayquan?!?!
tiana: okay lets call him and hes parents to see what they think of this?
*calls rayquans house*
phone covo
RM: hello?
TM: hi Mrs.Smith tiana has something to say to you
tiana: hi Mrs. Smith ummm....*taks big breath* im pregnant with rayquans child
RM: what?!?!
tiana: me and rayquan had sex last week
RM: oh so you just put you penis anywhere and everywhere rayqan!
rayqan: what?
RM: you got tiana pregnant ....*cries* do you know what you put me,your father and tianas parents throgh?
rayqan: mom
RM: save it ...thank you tiana for telling me this *hangs up*
Phone Convo over
TD: take your stuff and leave
tiana: papi no
TD: i mean it tiana !!! and dont you ever come back again your on your own now
Tiana: mami ...papi
TM:*no reponse*
TD:*puts hes head down* leave and take your dog with you
Tiana: fine *wipes tears* ima leave * takes all of her stuff and graffiti with hes stuff with her*
tiana:*drives to go to rayqans house*
rayray: *walks by her car*
tiana: rayray *touches hes face*
rayray: they kicked me out *weak smile*
tiana: baby get in
rayray: *puts hes stuff in the trunk and gets in*
tiana: what are we going to do now?
rayray: live at the conjuction house with the crew
tiana: yeah *sigh* i just wish this whole thing would just dissappear
rayray:*holds hand* i know tiana *sighs*

Leave ( Mindless Behavior ;rayray love story )
FanfictionA girl named Tiana is 18 its her Senior year and she meets these boys called mindless behavior she falls for this one boy named rayray ...they get closer and closer she winds up being pregnant ,her parents find out kick her out the house she has no...