Princeton's pov
diamond looks worse and worse
prod : *slams locker shut* I hate Travis abusing diamond like that you know he abuses her
Kayla: its so sad
Jordan: yeah ima go talk to her come on Kayla
*Jordan and Kayla walks up to diamond*
Jordan: hey diamond me and Kayla wanna talk to you for a sec
Travis: bitch she dont wanna talk to y'all
Kayla: she has her own mouth dumb ass
diamond: I dont -
*Jordan drags diamond by the arm into the bathroom*
Kayla: *locks the door*
diamond: what do you want Jordan?
Jordan: take off them shades
diamond: no
Kayla: just take em off
Jordan: or I will
diamond: no
Jordan:*takes shades off*
diamond: *cries in silence*
Kayla: your eyes are black and blue bro did Travis do this to you?
diamond:*lies* no I bump into a pole
Jordan: mmm I think you lying to us
diamond: I'm not lying
Kayla: so the pole just grew arms and legs and punched you in the eye unto your eyes were black and blue
Jordan: shit its throbbing
diamond: fine Travis did this to me ...but he didnt mean it he loves me I know it
Kayla : okay then if you say so
diamond:*grabs shades back,puts on and walks out*
Jordan: we have to tell someone
Kayla: yea its the last straw
diamond pov
idk Why they locked me In the bathroom but Travis loves me right?
diamond:*walks up and sees Travis kissing another girl*
Travis: diamond!!!
diamond:*runs away crying*
Travis:*pins to the wall*
diamond: get off of me!!!
Travis: no I love you diamond
diamond: no you dont if you loved me so much you wouldn't be kissing another girl,you wouldn't abuse me and rape me everyday before and after school *let's go of grip*
Travis: you listen here if you tell anyone about this I will ruin your life
diamond: you already have and I'm not gonna let you ruin the rest of it I'm done with the constant selling,smoking,sexing,abusing,and raping ....I'm done with you *says with anger*
Travis:*gets mad*
diamond:*walks to class solo leaving Travis alone*

Leave ( Mindless Behavior ;rayray love story )
FanficA girl named Tiana is 18 its her Senior year and she meets these boys called mindless behavior she falls for this one boy named rayray ...they get closer and closer she winds up being pregnant ,her parents find out kick her out the house she has no...