I'm Tiara I'm 18,I'm dating rayray and I had rayrays child I know what y'all thinkin this girl is 18 and pregnant doesn't she have college to worry about or where's your parents? well my parents kicked my ass out the house.
Many months ago
TM (Tiaras mom): Tiara come on your gonna be late for school
*Tiara runs downstairs wearin high waisted shorts a cropped top and Lebrun's with a bandanna around her hair and makeup on *
TM: look at my baby its her Senior year
Tiana: mom stop with that baby shit
TM: alright your father is on a business trip again ...that man doesn't give a damn about his family
Tiana:its ight mom *hugs*
TM: okay now what do you do if a girl punches you?
Tiana: punch the shit out of her extra hard and its called self defence
TM: good
Tiana: bye Mom *leaves and goes into her Porsche and off to school*
A/N :HeyguysIgottogosorryIgotschool ...I'llbebacklaterbyeCommentbelowwhatyouthinkaboutitsofar ..peace ✌
Tianapovfinally its my senior year with me Jordan, diamond and Kayla don't fuck with us
*parks car and walks inside*
Jordan: tiana!!!!!*runs up to her*
tiana: well hello to you too loll
diamond: hey girl
Kayla: wassup
Jordan: how was y'all summer?
Kayla: low key
diamond: same
Jordan: what bout you tete ( tianas nickname)
tiana: I went to universal in like June and I saw these fine ass boys
diamond: did you get their number?
Kayla: I bet she didn't
tiana: no *pouts*
Jordan: dont be pouting like a two year old
diamond: fr
Kayla: can we go now?
Jordan: yea
inclassMrs Rainn: welcome back class I remember when you were just freshman's
Travis: psst tiana and the Queens how was y'all summer?
Jordan: dont be talking to us about our summer
Travis: damn ma I was just asking what bout you tiana
tiana: dont ask me that question cause
your ass was in summer school with your rich homie quan reject was in summer school haha mhmm
*Travis homies laughed at him*
Travis : shut up tiana
tiana: you cayata La Boca (means shutup in Spanish)
diamond: damn she told you to shutup in Spanish

Leave ( Mindless Behavior ;rayray love story )
FanficA girl named Tiana is 18 its her Senior year and she meets these boys called mindless behavior she falls for this one boy named rayray ...they get closer and closer she winds up being pregnant ,her parents find out kick her out the house she has no...