Kayla pov
bro yesterday was crazy I wonder where's Jordan she hasn't come back yet
Kayla: did yall hear from Jordan yet
Princeton: no
rayray: she won't text anybody
prod: this is all my fault I shouldn't have cheated on Jordan with Kennedy
roc: ever since diamond came back y'all two were acting weird
rayray: fr we're you two having sex with each other?
prod: me and diamond ? noo *lies*
tiana:*walks downstairs * babe?*rubs eyes*
rayray: good morin babe what's wrong?
tiana: my water broke while I was sleep * holds stomach in pain*
rayray:* eyes widen * Omg let's go can yall carry tiana to the car while I get her suitcase
tiana: it hurts can we go
*the boys except for prod carrys tiana to the car *
Kayla: prod did you lie about not having sex with diamond?
prod: what makes you think that?
Kayla: I can see it through your eyes and your voice
prod:*clears throat * we should go *they both left*
(in the hospital )
tiana: *screams in pain* ahh rayray wheres my doctor?
rayray: he's coming babe
tiana: he better be
*Dr.Stewert came running in*
Dr: hello Mrs and Mr smith I got your call let's go into the delivery room sat
*they got tiana into the delivery room with rayray by her side*
prod: Ima call Jordan to tell her what's going on
*calls Jordan *
phone convo
Jordan: What do you want Craig?
prod: tianas about to give birth
Jordan: Omg which hospital?
prod: St. Mary's *tells adress *
Jordan: Okay thanks bye
phone convo over
Kayla: I'm hungry
Prince: I get you 2 bags of chips
Kayla: thanks baby *kisses cheek *
roc: prod did you really have sex with diamond behind me and Jordan's back?
prod: *sighs* I can't hide it forever ....Yea I did
roc: *gets pissed* hmmm so Thats why you two were acting weird
prod: yea ...and she didnt tell you this she's pregnant with my child
roc:*punches prod in the face and kept punching him*
Princeton: *rushes over to them* break it up *pulls roc off of prod*
roc: you really fucked up prod
prod: I didnt mean for her to get pregnant
Prince: you got diamond pregnant?!?!
prod: yea

Leave ( Mindless Behavior ;rayray love story )
Fiksi PenggemarA girl named Tiana is 18 its her Senior year and she meets these boys called mindless behavior she falls for this one boy named rayray ...they get closer and closer she winds up being pregnant ,her parents find out kick her out the house she has no...