Diamonds pov
I'm done with everybody ima move soon I needs start fresh
DM: okay diamond ima go to work be careful today love you *leaves *
Diamond:* watches tv*
*someone knocks on the door*
Jordan: surprise motherfucker *punches diamond dead in the face and kept punching her until blood came*
diamond: get df off of me
Jordan: hell no idc if you pregnant or not your ass still getting beat up *still punches diamond *
Meanwhile (roc pov)
I hope she didnt kill her she's pregnant and shit you can't kill a pregnant woman right?
Kayla: hurry up she probably beating her up right now
roc: I'm stepping on it as fast as I can *drives fast*
prod: I'm worried
roc: stfu got my ex pregnant I should beat your ass right now
Prince : will y'all both shutup ! we got one problem to worry about
Kayla :I'm saying
*they're at diamond house*
prod: damn the doors open
*they run inside *
Jordan: *kicks diamond in the face*
prod: *pulls Jordan off of diamond *
Jordan: get off of me! let me go!*brushes prod off of her *
Kayla: *checks diamond* she not breathing
roc: Omg Jordan look what you did
Jordan: me ! she cheated on your ass that What she gets
Prince: she's also pregnant look at her stomach 2 months pregnant
Kayla: you took it too far Jordan we need to get her to the hospital now
*they left and prod and Jordan were standing*
prod: Jordan look at me
Jordan: What?!?!
prod: you need professional help
Jordan: I Dont need help *looks down*
prod: do you realize what you just did ?!?! you almost killed a pregnant woman
Jordan: I dont need help *sits on the floor *
prod: here's a doctor *gives a business card* you really need it
*leaves with the rest of the crew*
Jordan: I dnt need help I Dont *shivers in the cold,silent house and kept repeating the same thing*
prod pov
Jordan really needs help
*they rush with diamond in rocs arms *
nurse: what happened
prod: my friend was almost killed to death and she's 2 months pregnant
nurse: okay doctors! *they take diamond with them*
(in the waiting room)
Kayla: Omg where's jordan?
prod: still sitting in the house I offered her to see a doctor

Leave ( Mindless Behavior ;rayray love story )
FanfictionA girl named Tiana is 18 its her Senior year and she meets these boys called mindless behavior she falls for this one boy named rayray ...they get closer and closer she winds up being pregnant ,her parents find out kick her out the house she has no...