Part 15

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??? pov

I finally got Kayla

???:*ties Kayla to a chair*

Kayla: let me go you motherfucker

???: that is no way to talk to me Kayla

Kayla: who df are you

???:*takes off mask* hello Kayla

Kayla: Cameron ?!?! I thought you were in jail

Cameron: I escaped plus I got some help

*a girl like figure comes out the shadow carrying twins in both hands *

Kayla : Thats my friends babies why do you have em ?

???: because your friends stole my spot  to date rayray again I took her most prized things

Kayla: your rayrays crazy ex who kills girls just to attempt to date rayray again

???: the names Kelly and yea I do and me and Cameron came up with the perfect plan see you came in handy you were a test dummy see ....when Cameron kidnapped you your friends freaked out and started to try find your ass ...then I thought why not take tianas twins to make her and rayray go crazy too

Kayla: your sick

Kelly: aww rayquan Jr and Terrance are crying time to put them to bed *leaves*

Cameron: ima make you my sex slave and we're gonna fuck and your gonna like it

Kayla: *cries* leave me alone

Cameron: never first we need some sluty clothes for you to wear *throws clothes at her face* now ima untie you * untied Kayla *

Kayla:* looks angry*

Cameron: aww your mad *touches face*

Kayla:* moves face* wheres the bathroom?

Cameron: down the hall to your right and hurry up

Kayla: *starts walking*

rocs pov

I can't believe some took Kayla and the twins

rayray: we gotta find this motherfucker tianas crying

Jordan: let me get my knife so I can cut a bitch *runs to room*

prod: ima call a good friend of mine to get us Some weapons

diamond: y'all want me to stay here with tete?

Jordan: yeah we dont need your help

prince: I'll get stuff ready *leaves room *

tiana: my poor babies make sure y'all kill em

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