Nobodys pov ( At the conjuction house)
*tiana and rayray entered the house*
roc:hey guys what took yall so long?
rayray: we were talking nigga
kayla: tete!!! *hugs*
jordan: yo
princeton: we all got yall message
prod: yeah im sorry
tiana: its ight where is the other room?
prod: upstaris on your left
*tiana rayray and grafitti went upstaris*
tiana:*turned on the lights* omg its just like my old room the grafitti walls,sheets everything
rayray: i helped since you loved your room so much
tiana: thanks babe grafitti go to sleep please
*grafitti did as told*
jordan: im still worried about diamond schools tommorow
prod: i still cant believe what happened smh
kayla: yea
jordan: can we eat bro mean a nigga gotta eat
tiana: lol same here
roc: who gonna watch the dog?
rayray: he sleep and hes a gaurd dog duh
jordan: lets go!!!
kayla: calm down
*they left to go eat*
Diamonds pov
Travis is still abusing me and ima pro seller now but i wanna leave so bad but at the same time i dont want to
travis: babe!!!
diamond:*peaks head out door*yes
travis: can you get me some more weed its under the mattress
*does as told*
travis: thanks *smokes* here have some
diamond: i-i dont want any today babe
travis: what? *holds ear out*
diamond: *lies* ill have some
travis: thats what i thought *hands it to diamond* now about school dont hang out with your friends,dont talk to em,you stay by me got it?!?!
diamond: yes babe
travis: okay im only doing this because i love you *touches chin*
travis: mmm ...come here
diamond: why?
travis: come here damn it *pats on lap*
diamond*sits on lap*
travis:*whispers in ear* just be still okay *unbuckles pants*
diamond* travis no i dont want to have sex today
travis:*grabs arm* stfu *punches in the eye*
diamond: travis stop!!!
travis: *evil smiles and comes closer*
diamond: what are you going to do to me?
travis just shutup *rapes diamond*
At School tomorrow ( rocs pov)
its still think bout diamond ugh i cant stand her looking like this
In the Hallway
Roc: i cant stand her looking like this bro
jordan: me etheir she looks horrible
princeton: you should try to talk to her roc
roc: thats what im going to do
prod: good luck
*roc walks up to diamond and her friend...and travis*
diamond:*laughs about a joke*
roc: hey diamond
diamond:*ignores*'roc: so you ignoring me now? ...i see why you wearing them black shades
travis: homie if she doesnt wanna talk to you she doesnt want to simple as that
roc:*rolls eyes* diamond?!?!
diamond:*talks softly* i dont want to talk to you roc ...bye
*diamond and her new "friends" walked to class*
roc:*gets mad* ughhhh!!!! *punches locker ,theres blood on his knuckles*
*everyone stares*
roc: df yall looking at?!?! *sits on the floor*
*kordan and the rest of em walk up to him*
princeton: woah dude you okay?
kayla:*slaps upside the head*
priceton: sorry oww
jordan:*rubs shoulder* its gonna be alright
tiana: yeah but go to the nurse before that gets worse
rayray: damn smh
roc: yeah ima go to the nurse tell mrs.Rainn what happened *heads to the nurse*
prod: damn....what happened to diamond *shakes head*
jordan: Travis is what happened
*they went to class*

Leave ( Mindless Behavior ;rayray love story )
أدب الهواةA girl named Tiana is 18 its her Senior year and she meets these boys called mindless behavior she falls for this one boy named rayray ...they get closer and closer she winds up being pregnant ,her parents find out kick her out the house she has no...