It Lurks

39 4 3

thatsmybias here reviewing It Lurks by SB_Horror .

I honestly LOVE the story! Like I'm a big fan of horror, i write horror, i live horror, i breathe horror, okay too much. Im sorry.

Back to the point, your story was amazing!
The beginning already got me interested in it, you're fantastic at attracting readers.

Chapter 1 : you gave excitement on the first chapter which is rare because some people would just make it boring as hell. I mean it, im sorry. But you, you just make everything interesting.

Chapter 2 : i find some grammatical error here, maybe you'd like to edit it? But it was still nice and understandable.

Chapter 3 : love this so much. You made her kill a person who looks like her father and she's 7 ? Dang. I like you.

Chapter 4 : grammatical error could need some help here.

Overall it was bombastic, only 4 chapters, you killed it. The story was lack of edit. Maybe you'd like to get your story edited by anyone of our employees? :P

I find your story worth it, really worth it, you don't even talk about anything unnecessary. You emphasis on how the main point of the chapter is.

I hope you'll keep up with the good work, because It Lurks, is going straight to my private library in my account. You better update soon! I'll be looking to it !!

-thatsmybias ( cover creator, vice admin book reviewer, customer support )

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