Imagine #13 (Steve)

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He cheats on you!
Your POV
WOW! Is all that you could think at that very moment. You thought Sandy was like off limits but whatever. You walk out of the house and back to the Curtis house. Darry saw you and he quickly ran over to you.

"What's wrong doll?" "Steve cheated on me, with Sandy" you said kinda dazed, you were so confused at the moment. "I'm sorry doll, Soda ain't gonna be happy." "Let's keep that one detail from him. I don't want both of us broken up about this" "Ok we'll tell the whole gang that" You guys sat on the couch and watched whatever came on tv while you slowly fell asleep on Darry's lap.

Darry's POV
Looking down at y/n she look so angelic while she slept. Steve walked in and looked us up and down for a moment before I held my finger up, signaling for him to wait and I brought y/n back into my room, grabbed my phone, and walked back into the living room.

"What in the hell is wrong with you Steve?!?" I whisper yelled. "What did I do your the one cuddling my girlfriend." "After you cheated on her with your best friends ex girlfriend!" "Oh you guys found out about that?" "No shit Sherlock!" "Well don't tell y/n I don't want to loose her, she's pretty great in bed." "She already knows dude! Get the hell out of my house I'm done with you!" "Soda doesn't want me gone!" After he finds out he'll want you gone! Their basically twins!" And as if I'm cue Soda walked into the house.

"What's going on?" "Steve cheated on y/n... with sandy" "Steve get out!" "But soda..." "No Steve! She my baby and you cheated on her with my ex! Get the fuck out!" He left and slammed the door shut and soda went back and found y/n and layed with her. I think this'll end up ok.

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