Himiko x Reader ♡ you're magic!

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~ requested by my very dear friend Olivia, @orange_saionji on IG! I really tried with this, so I hope you enjoy it! ~

~ y/n P.O.V ~

She held out her small hat, rainbow confetti exploding from it, piling around her as she beamed happily, bowing down in front of you. You sat in silence, simply astonished, before you started clapping happily. She gasped quietly and smiled, a light blush dusting across her pale face.

"Himiko, that was amazing!" You beamed, standing up in front of her. "Everyone will love it!"

She gazed up at you, and you could've sworn that worry began to swim around in her eyes. The talent show was just a day away, and even you knew how much Himiko had been practising to show off her amazing magic to everyone in the hall. She loved people praising her, although she didn't really admit it often - but what she loved even more than that was people actually enjoying her skills.

However, despite this, Himiko can get lazy quite easily. Despite adoring her magic and declaring herself as the Ultimate Mage, most of the time she gets bored and simply cannot be bothered to dedicate herself. You've tried to help her get rid of this fault many times, but it just can't be rubbed away that easily.

In one last attempt, you presented the talent show to her. And surprisingly, she actually got quite excited. You saw her eyes twinkle when you pushed the poster in front of her, and her face beam eagerly.

"Hey, why don't you show everyone what real magic is?" You suggested. She nodded happily and gently took the poster from you.

"I will! I'll show everyone what a mage like me can do!"

You snapped out of your daze and looked at her. She was fidgeting slightly and looking down at her shoes - you could tell she was anxious.

"Hey," you began, lifting up her chin to lock eye contact with her. "Are you okay?"

"y/n, do you think everyone will like my act?" She asked quietly. You laughed in response, nodding happily.

"Of course they will! You're fully prepared, right?"

"Yeah..." Himiko trailed off, taking off her hat and staring at it intently. She nodded, "yes, I am."

"Then you'll be fine," you replied, "trust me!"

The next day, you skipped to school happily. You entered the building and gasped in awe at all the decorations that had been hung up. Rainbow banners were streaked across the hall, as well as many more talent shows being pasted on the walls - there were even various individuals giving posters out. The talent show wasn't just for students at the school, but also for anyone outside the school who possible wanted to see it. The school's main pride was the yearly talent show, and perhaps that's why every year it's such a big deal.

You wondered if it was also a big deal to Himiko. You remember her determined face, eager to show everyone her performance.

The school day continued as usual, but without the many students that were participating in the show. You looked over at Himiko's empty seat, sighing. You were really worried for her. What if she succumbed to the pressure? You instantly threw the thought out of your mind - you just couldn't picture her on the stage, crying... It'd break your heart.

Before you knew it, the final bell rang and you instantly packed away your things and made your way over to the hall. You wanted to find a seat nearest to the stage as possible - you wanted to see Himiko shine with her full potential.

~ Himiko P.O.V ~

I clutched onto my hat nervously as I gradually heard the voices outside building up. I gulped quietly and looked over at my equipment with worry.

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