Chapter 3~Joy
When Danielle was done going to the bathroom I went in to go. Of course I had to pee as soon as a alien invasion starts.
When I was done I saw Danielle by the door with a horrified look of her face. "Danielle what's wrong?" I whispered screamed.
" I-I saw one of those things! It went around the corner." She replied in a shaky voice.
"It's ok. We'll be okay as long as we are quiet. Let's go back to the closet." Telling her were going back seemed to clam her down.
We started walking back to the classroom when we herd the deep growl. Danielle and I turned around to be face to face with this monster thing. It looked like a wolf on steroids. A deep navy blue, sharp razor like teeth with some sort of drool dripping off of then. It was so skinny you could count it's ribs. It looked like it climbed out of the deepest pit of hell.
I stood there in shock. Not being able to will my legs to move. All I could do was stare at it. Finally Danielle grabbed my hand and we started running. We started running towards the gym. I looked back to see the alien thing sprinting after us. "Danielle it's behind us!" I screamed. She looked back and started running faster.
We finally got to the gym. Even with all the turns we had to take that thing was still behind us. It was hard not to get lost as the school was pitch black. " We need to get out of here and back to the others. Let's go to out these doors and up through the office." I whispered to Danielle.
We stared walking as quietly as possible. I am terrified that the alien thingy will find us and tear us apart. I was doing all I could to not let my tears start falling. But all I want to do at the moment is craw into a ball and cry my heart out.
Danielle and I were staring to go through the office but we herd the growling again. We turned to see the alien walking around the hallway we just came from. It looked like it was looking for something. I nudged Danielle and motioned to it. She nodded and we tried to tip toe out of the office. We made it out until I tripped over a pile of books.
Books? Really why would you leave your books in the middle of the hallway? Come on people! I started groaning and tried to get up. I seemed ok. That is until I saw the monster sprinting towards us.
Danielle started sprinting and I wasn't far behind her. "The library! Get to the library!" I screamed to Danielle. We turned left and got to the library and slammed the heavy oak doors shut.
We were leaning against the doors panting. I'm freaking out. How are we going to get back? We've been gone for probably close to a half hour.
"Ok. We really need to get back. Any ideas?" I asked Danielle.
"Uhh. Maybe we can try going through the locker bank and then through the science hall way. Then back to Mr. Halinski's room." she told me. It sounded like a good plan so we headed out towards are locker bank.
Here at the between the locker bank and the library we saw another alien thing. But this time it wasn't trying to chase us. We herd a chewing and ripping sound.
We saw the thing ripping apart and eating a teacher. Now I really was going to start crying. We got a bit closer to see who it was. 'Oh my gosh. It's Ms.Castle.' I thought.
The tears really were coming out now. I started to pick up a random textbook to throw at it but Danielle have me a look as to say 'don't you even think about it.' I dropped the book and we continued to walk back towards the lockers.
Danielle and I where at the locker bank all was quiet and good. We got to the science hall and finally.Finally to Mr.Halinski's room. "Okay should we just knock on the door?" I asked Danielle. "We can try." She said back.
I knocked a couple times and took a step back to wait. I herd some rumbling behind the door then I saw the door open. We ran in and sat down panting,sweaty and exhausted. The guys looked at us and Ryder finally asked "What the hell happend?"
I told them about seeing the alien, being chased, the gym, the office, and the library. They all sat there quietly listing. When I finished I asked "How long where we gone? Are you guys ok?"
Mr.Halinski told me we were gone for about half an hour. He said nothing happend here but they were extremely worried. " I knew girls took a long time in the bathroom but that was ridiculous !" AJ said trying to lighten the mood.
I couldn't help but laugh at his little joke. After being so scared today it felt like I'd never laugh again. "What time is it?" I asked no one in particular. "About two I would say. The attack began at about 7 maybe." Ryder told me.
So basically I got up, came to school and the freaking alien apocalypse happend. Awesome.
"Joy can you please describe the alien you saw to me?" Mr.Halinski asked me.
"The best way to describe it is a wolf an steroids. It was about as tall as a Great Dane. A deep navy blue and so skinny you can count it's ribs. It had teeth that looked like razor blades with some kind of drool maybe? And it was fast. Like freakishly fast. It had a deep growl."I told him.
That was honestly the best way to describe it. Mr.Halinski. I've never see anything like it. The speed, the way the alien sniffed around.
When we first saw it, I could feels it's eye pierce through my skin. Nothing has ever looked at me with such intensity and I never wanted it to happen again.
I sat there thinking. How many people have died today? How many of my classmates, teachers lay there dead. Ice cold on the ground? What about my parents and older brother? I hope this is all just some weird dream.
I picked my head up to find everyone still sitting in the closet the same horrified expression that mirrored my own. I moved over to Danielle who was sitting in the far corner and grabbed her hand.
"Listen it's ok for now. We made it back didn't we? As long as we stay here we will be fine right?" I said hoping to maybe calm her down.
"But what happens when we need to go out again and the alien finds us? Were dead." She awnsered. "We just gotta be careful. You look as scarred as I feel." I told her.
"I'm freaking petrified Joy." She said with a shaky voice. I nodded and wrapped my arms around her. I sniffled back my tears again not wanting to upset her more.
"Listen you guys. We need to ration the food best we can." Mr.Halinski told us. We all nodded in response. I moved of to where to water bottles where and grabbed one. I took slow sips trying to make it last a bit.
AJ came over to me and asked " What was it like out there? I mean did you see any-?"
I looked at him and said "Dead body's? Yea. Teachers, students, the assistant principal. It was awful and really creepy. You know that feeling when your out in the woods at night and you feel like someone or something is watching you? That's pretty much how it felt." I finished.
If AJ wasn't scared before he sure was now. In the low lighting I could see the color drain out of his face and see the little beads of sweat start dripping down. "Wow. Why are you not crying or flipping out?" he demanded. " To be perfectly honest I don't know. I guess it fully hasn't hit me yet." I choked out.
Hs face softened bit. "It's okay now. I am a bit surprised no one ever noticed the door into here though." AJ chuckled. "Well it was behind a bookcase and high schoolers aren't that observant." I giggled. AJ smiled at me once more and went back over to Ryder.
I kept on thinking about that alien. How many are there? Why are here? Why now?
Hey guys!! hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me and Nikki know your thoughts in the comments! don't forget to vote and maybe follow??
Also, Picture of AJ (Played by the perfect Tyler Posey) to the side!

When We Lost The World
Science-FictionYou should never take anything for granted. Not hot meals, not hot showers, not even hot dates. Why? Because you never know when it will be stripped away from you during an apocalypse. Joy Turner and Danielle O'Brien didn't figure that out until it...