Chapter 7~ Joy
"Anybody hurt?" asked a man standing on top of a car holding a shotgun.
I was about to say no when I turned and saw Ryder laying on his side with his shirt soaked in blood. AJ was kneeling beside him trying to help him up with out causing any unneeded pain. I'm running over to Ryder and AJ to get Ryder up.
Finally we get Ryder up on his feet with one arm draped around me and one on AJ. You can see the pain wretched across his face. We have to take baby steps to be careful so we don't cause any more damage to his injury, witch is rather hard since we don't know what exactly his injury is.
"Where are we going?" asked the woman who had jumped off the cars with the younger guy. She had a olive colored skin and long black hair.
"Who are you people?" questioned the guy with fair skin and dark brown hair. I can see from here Danielle glancing over at him .
"Now is not the time for questions. We need to get Ryder to my old lab an I'll explain then. Let's go!" Mr.Hallinski said pointing in the direction of his old lab.
Ryder looks like he is on the brink of tears. I'm surprised he hasn't lost it and isn't crying his heart out right now. I know I want to cry just seeing all of this. I shift my weight so Ryder is up on my shoulder a bit more.
I start looking around to see how far away we are from Mr.Halinski's lab. If its the building I think it is its about five buildings away. Danielle, Mr.Halinski, and the group that saved us are in front of us talking. We are too far behind to hear exactly what they are talking about.
Ryder is starting to become heavy on my shoulder. AJ has most of Ryder's weight on him so I cant imagine how he feels. I look on Ryder's back to see if the bleeding has stopped or at least slowed down. But of course not. Ryder is still bleeding like the wound has just happened.
Just two buildings away and we are home free. There will be scientist and doctor's here to help us. We will figure out how to stop these freaking aliens and get our lives back to normal. Then I can get back to a normal teenager. A normal teenager who has survived the alien apocalypse.
"The next building is my old lab. Be on look out for aliens. We will go through the blue doors and make a left into a hallway then the second right into my old office. Try to be quiet because you will echo. There may not be more aliens on the inside." Mr.Halinski told us.
We entered the building and made the left like Mr.Halinski said. It was dark and hard to see where we were walking. I can only hope we don't trip over anything. Or anyone for that matter.
We took the second right and were in Mr.Halinski's old office. Since Ryder's injury was on his back we laid him on his stomach on a desk. As we set him down more people came in. I'm guessing they were the rest of the group who saved us group. A young woman came over and cut Ryder's shirt with a small knife, exposing his back.
The cut going across his back was about a foot long going across his back and a few inches wide. How did he walk here with out losing it? AJ looks like he is going to freak out. I mean that's his best friend laying there bleeding out.
Soon the woman came up with a needle and thread for stitches. " You might want to leave for this part." the lady said. . AJ gave her a look to say I'm not moving an inch. She shrugged and put a antiseptic on Ryder's back to clean the wound. He cringed and let out a whimper.
" The stitches are going the hurt since I cant exactly numb it. Are you ready?" the lady said as she threaded the needle for the stitches. AJ grabbed on the one of Ryder's hands. The rest of us left the room including the new group. Outside I only saw three more of them now there are about five people in this new group, not including the woman in there with AJ and Ryder.

When We Lost The World
Ciencia FicciónYou should never take anything for granted. Not hot meals, not hot showers, not even hot dates. Why? Because you never know when it will be stripped away from you during an apocalypse. Joy Turner and Danielle O'Brien didn't figure that out until it...