Chapter 4~Danielle
It was hard keeping track of the days. With no clocks or anything besides a few book Mr.Halinski had the time seemed to just blur together. If AJ was keeping the track of time correctly, thanks to his watch, then we have been in here for six days. We only left to use the bathroom to wash up so we wouldn't suffocate on our own body odor. We've had no other alien encounters. We'd here them growling, hissing, and doing many other horrific things outside of our door but we never saw them. I didn't want to see them, not ever again.
That thing Joy and I had seen was still clearly etched into my brain. It's smell, it's wheezing, it's teeth gnawing on that poor teacher, it's black eyes, they were all crisp images in my mind. All those alien movies did that thing no justice, it was a million times more terrifying then the Aliens in Independence Day. And what I wouldn't give to be able to have Will Smith here to kick some alien ass.
I wonder if he's alive right now. I wonder who else is alive. My family was, they had to be. Dad would've protected Conner and Zoe, my younger brother and sister, and my mom. God I hope their okay. Conner had just turned twelve and Zoe turned eight four months ago. They were too young to die, they should've never had too go through this.
Light snoring came from next to me and in the dim candle light I could see Ryder was asleep. I was glad to see that, he hadn't been getting much sleep lately. Well none of us were but I think he was getting the least amount.
I looked away from Ryder and took a deep breathe. I heard the shakiness of my breathing and realized I should get some water. I weakly made my way to my feet, my legs wobbling as I walked over to our last jug of water. I tried to poor our water into a plastic bottle that I had but only a few drops came out. I tried again only to get the same result.
"Guys." I said, my voice hoarse from not talking in a long time. I hadn't been heard so I had to speak up. "Hey!"
Mr.Halinski was the first to look up from the paper he was drawing on to over at me. Then Joy's eyes flitted over the top of the book she was reading to me. Ryder stayed asleep and AJ seemed to have drifted off too.
"What is it Danielle?" Mr.Halinski asked as he fixed his glasses.
"Please tell me you've got another thing of water some where." I asked.
Mr.Halinski unfolded his long legs as he scurried to his feet and came over to where I was. "What do you mean? Are we out?"
I never got the chance to answer as Mr.Halinski tried to pour some water and found out the answer for himself. He quickly put down the empty jug and rubbed his hands over his weary face.
"What is it?" AJ asked while he sat up from his awkward laying position. "What's going on?"
"We're out of water." Joy answered quietly.
"What do we do now?" I asked Mr.Halinski.
"We have to go." He responded quietly. Had he said go? Like leave this room and go out there?
"You mean we have to go out and face those- those monsters?" Joy asked.
Mr.Halinski closed his eyes and slowly nodded. "I do. We were going to have to at some point, I just hadn't expected this to happen so soon."
"And where are we supposed to go?" AJ asked as he too made his way to his feet. At this point Ryder was the only one still on the ground and that was because he was still fast asleep.
"I have more supplies at my house. If we can make it there no problem then we will be able to stock up on food, water and weapons." Mr.Halinski explained.

When We Lost The World
Fiksi IlmiahYou should never take anything for granted. Not hot meals, not hot showers, not even hot dates. Why? Because you never know when it will be stripped away from you during an apocalypse. Joy Turner and Danielle O'Brien didn't figure that out until it...