Chapter 8~ Danielle
A scream.
That's all it took for everything to be ruined. I had just sat down next to Ryder and AJ and Joy had just gotten up to bring the other's in. Before they could even open the door a bone chilling scream sailed through the air and shattered the sense of peace that was just beginning to form. Joy, AJ, the nurse Jaime, and I all locked eyes as we made our ways to the door. I cursed myself for being stupid enough to leave my gun out in the other room. Who forgets a gun during a freaking alien Apocalypse?
Apparently, I do.
Luckily, Joy had hers and I quickly pulled out my dagger that I had gotten from Mr.Halinski. AJ slowly pushed the door open and we saw the others who had scrambled to there feet. The thing that seemed to be missing is the one who was screaming and the alien that I figured made the person scream bloody murder.
Then they started screaming again I realized it came from some where else in the building. I looked to Mr.Halinski with wide eyes but nothing he could do would be able to reassure me so instead he threw me my gun which I managed to catch in mid air. This whole apocalypse thing has really improved my reflexes. But, to be honest, I'd much rather have sucky reflexes then aliens to deal with. I made sure my gun was loaded and looked around to see if anybody had a clue as to what was going on.
David, the man who seemed to be the leader of the group that saved us, spoke to us in a low voice, "Any idea as to who that could be?"
As an answer to David, a man came running down a hallway and practically ran into AJ.
"It-It's Gretal, she's dead," the man panted with wide eyes and a terrified look sprawled across his sweaty features. "We were walking around checking for those things and one found us first."
David and Mr.Halinski exchanged a look before David said, "We need to get out of here."
"We can't. That kid in there won't be able to handle getting moved and if we tried he would only slow us down." Jaime explained to us.
"Well we're not going to leave without him." AJ said firmly.
"We won't AJ." Mr.Halinski promised to calm him down. We all knew AJ would rather fight every alien on this planet then leave behind his best friend.
"Then what's the plan?" The guy named Jensen asked. He moved so he was in front of his group to talk with the rest of us. He had been the first one to help us from his group and he was obviously respected by everyone here. He was also obviously attractive.
"We'll have to split up, draw any alien attention away from here. Hopefully they will split up too and we will be able to take them down." David instructed. It's no wonder he was their leader.
"Don't be in groups to small or to large. And AJ, stay here with Ryder and Jaime." Said Mr.Halinski.
AJ nodded and he and the nurse lady walked back in to the room with AJ before closing the door. With a click the door was locked but we all knew that wouldn't do much against a blood thirsty alien. I guess it didn't hurt to try though.
I felt someone grip my hand and I knew it was Joy. I looked over at her and nodded, we were going to do this together. I tightened my hand around Joy's when I heard a growl from one of those wretched creatures. It was from a Pup, I'd recognize that raw sound anywhere. I heard another growl and knew the Pup had brought a friend.
"Run!" Bellowed David and not a single person hesitated to do so.
The ten or so of us ran full fledged down the hall, every so often a couple of us would take a sharp turn so we could split up. Soon it was just me, Joy, and David. we turned a corner to find a dead end which caused us to stop abruptly. I took deep breathes as I tried to backtrack where we've gone in my head. Most of the halls led to blocked off laboratories and shut doors. Other then that it was mostly offices similar to the one Ryder was being treated in. God I hope he and AJ haven't been found by any aliens.

When We Lost The World
خيال علميYou should never take anything for granted. Not hot meals, not hot showers, not even hot dates. Why? Because you never know when it will be stripped away from you during an apocalypse. Joy Turner and Danielle O'Brien didn't figure that out until it...