Chapter Eleven

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"Grace" poundings at my door alarmed me that I needed to wake. I jumped up, looking for Sam. A small pink post-it note stuck onto the middle of my vanity mirror.
Went home,
Loser, I thought, and hiding it in my drawer of miscellaneous crap.
"Grace" a voice cracked through the door, I swiftly turned as, Grayson enters, alongside him Elijah. I covered myself in a silk midnight black robe, that had black and white faux fur on the brim.
"Why the hell are you naked"
"I was in the middle of changing" the sass was real.
"Shawn is here" my smile widened.
"Get out then" I shouted.

I walked down the stairs,
"They're going alone" Elijah shouted.
"She can't"
"Father's strict instructions." One of the twins groaned and stomped off to the dungeon tunnel.
"Grace" Elijah called, my eyes widen as I try to sneak away.
"Not so fast, Missy" he turns on his heel, walking towards me. I roll my eyes turning toward him,
"What do you want, Elijah" I stand tall. He looks at my outfit,
"Don't bring any shame to this family, because you just want to 'have fun'" he made hand quotations.
"Are you calling me a slut" I looked at him,
"Before even calling me that, you should've thought. About Rose.... Anna... and we shouldn't forget dear Hayley, your best friends Fiancé" I walked away, whilst he remained silent.

"So, let's get to know each other, today" Shawn smirked,
"I like long walks on the beach, kissing men I love" I pecked his cheek as he turned away.
"I'm serious"
"No, that's Sirius" I point to the black dog, that jumped up from its nap. The tap of its paws, on the floor.
"Funny" he scoffed.
"Shawn, we don't have to hang out today" he took a deep breath. I stood beside the balcony door. Sammy's night had drifted through my mind. I tensed up, as Shawn grabbed my waist. He pulled away,
"I'm sorry" a little nervous chuckle between the two words.
"We should probably head out" he shrugged his shoulders. He grabbed his leather jacket, and left my room, the door open. I grabbed mine and followed.

"Yanno, Elijah didn't want me leaving the house" Shawn didn't even glance at me,
"Because of how I am dressed"
"You look great" he said in a monotone.
"Yeah I'm sure" I crossed my arms, and started slowly walking after him. He sighed.
"I'm sorry" he turned towards me, I already heard the paparazzi's cameras clicking. He embraced me, between his large arms. I wrapped my arms around him. He turned us around, I was hidden in his arms, walking backwards, as he walked forward seeing the world.
"I love you" he whispered to me,
"Love you too" I snuggle my head into his warm body.

"Shawn?" I heard a girl yell out, I peeked my head out, she looked angry, sad but she was hiding it.
"Cami?" He turned around to see the highlighted brown haired girl run towards us.
"Shawn, who is she" I ask, he doesn't respond.
"I'm his girlfriend, who are you" she turns me to face her. I looked at Shawn in disgust, shaking my head. The cameras started to click again. I wasn't thinking, but I knew I didn't want to seem like a child.
My heart shattered, he was no where close to mine, I thought. I felt a tear. I quickly turned around, walking, slowly turned to jogging, then running, and finally I sprinted home.

As soon as I was in the security of my home, I shut the door, leaning against it, falling to the ground in front of it. I cried. I wept like he was the only love of my life.
"Beautiful jewel, why do you weep for this boy" my father came down the stairs, an unlit cigar in his hand. Although he didn't smoke he liked to have it, or a pipe in his mouth. So he'd fill the definition of scary drug lord.
"Daddy" I jumped up, and ran into his arms, although they weren't protective like Shawn, they protected me before him.
"It's okay jewel, don't cry, craft" he smiled. I looked up to him,
"Dad, what does that mean" I giggled.
"Child it is a saying, of yet" he started to mumble,
"Another new suitor" he smiled, largely.
"He is quite older than Jc, by at least five years" he explained,
"His name" I ask,
"Howell, Daniel Howell" he smiled with glee.
"Father he's quite older than the boys, meaning he's quite older than I" I explained. Shawn was only a few years, Jc a little older.
"Dad, can I be alone for awhile, please" I weakly smile, remembering my current situation.
"My apologies, dear jewel" he bows, and goes back up the stairs.
"He really does want to meet you" he said from the top step, closing his gigantic room door, behind him.

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