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Im so so so sorryyyyyhdhbbd its been so long since i updated but like idk where this story is going my dudes. Like i have some ideas but idk. Please comment and vote bc it really modivates me to write more.

Michael's POV

1 week later

I woke up to Calum whimpering and moving alot in his sleep. The bed was shaking and his small body was movinf so much. He started yelling and kicking and finally I shot up.

"Please no!" He yelled. I grabbed him by his waist and pulled him into me. "Let go of me!" He screamed.

"Baby it's me" I said calmly in his ear, trying to get him to calm down. He kept screaming but soon was sobbing in my neck while I held him. "M-Mikey" he whispered.

"It's just me princess" I whispered in his ear. "It's just me"

He continued to cry and held on to the shirt I was wearing. "I'm so sorry" he sobbed. "I'm sorry, im sorry" I shook my head and kissed his head. "Baby what happened?" I asked worridly "what was that?"

He shrugged and cuddled more into me. "I had a dream that-that Gareth killed you and-" he stopped and cried some more. I held him and hummed softly in his ear, hoping that it'll calm him down.

"I'm still here Cal" I said. "I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere okay?" He nodded. I looked over and it was just 7am. My room was still pretty dark because of how many blankets I have over my window to keep the sun out. I was still holding Calum as he was finally calming down. Today we are going on a little vacation just down town. Not to far just in case something happens, but far enough to get away from everyone.

"Do you wanna try to go back to sleep?" I asked. He shook his head and nuzzled his face in my neck. "I cant" he said weakly. "I don't want to" I sighed and rubbed his back.  I got up and he followed me into the kitchen. "We can leave in a little bit, I already booked us a nice hotel and we can go eat somewhere for breakfast" I smiled. I got a beer from the fridge and took a sip from it.

He looked up at me and smiled. A real smile. "I can't wait Mikey" he said. "I don't deserve you" I walked over to him and cupped his cheeks.

"You deserve the world princess"

After we said our goodbyes to Luke and Ashton, we hopped in my car and drove off. Calum tried to get me to let him drive because of my injuries but I wouldn't allow it.

Now, Green Day was playing in the radio and Calum was singing softly in the passengers seat. I laced our fingers together and he looked over at me and smiled. I took another drag from my ciggarette and blew the smoke out of the window.

"Can I try?"

I turned my head to see Calum pointing at my cigarette. My heart stopped and I lost my words. Thank God we were at a red light because I probably would have crashed. "Wait- seriously?" I asked.

He laughed and nodded his head. "Come on Mikey, I'm 18. You never let me do I when I was younger even though you did it. Please?" He begged. "I won't get addicted or anything" he quickly added.

I looked at the cigarette and then back at Calum. "Fine" I huffed. I don't know why I was so aganst him smoking but I was. He's still a baby to me so this was totally out of my comfort zone.

He grabbed the cancer stick from my fingers and placed it between his own. I looked back at the road and then back at Calum trying to figure this thing out. "Breath in the smoke love" I chuckled. "Like this"

I took the cigarette from his hand and breathed in thd smoke so it filled my lungs, before blowing it out. I gave it back to him and he copied my actions before coughing up a storm.

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