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I like Phil.

I really do.

He is a really great guy and I'm happy that someone like Dan wants to make him happy. I don't know anything about Dan. Phil just keeps talking about him but I never met him in person. I will today tho. For the first time. We'll make this Phil's best birthday so far. Hopefully if nothing gets in our way. I arrived at Phil's house and didn't bother to knock. It was unlocked so I just walked in. I found Dan and Phil kissing. As soon as they saw me, Phil just got up and stood there feeling probably uncomfortable and Dan blushed.



"wtf? what even is phan?" I asked. Phil just started laughing.

"th...that's our ship name. PJ always teased me saying 'how is your bf Dan doing' and stuff so to make this even more funny he found a ship name. phan"

"yeah, Phil's right but I was only joking. I didn't even know"

"yeah we weren't dating before and we're not dating now either" Phil said. Ouch.

He doesn't want to be my boyfriend? Ouch.

"it just happened that Phil told me he has feelings for me and I do as well and we just kissed. Correction I kissed him and then yeah" I said really fast and probably none of them got anything.

"weren't u supposed to go to school today?" PJ asked

"yeah but Dan felt sick so I thought I should stay home to make him company" Phil replied


"PJ how do you know my full name?"

"I guessed"


"what else could've it been? Dan – Daniel. But this isn't the point. Why didn't u call me to tell me NOT TO COME OVER?"

"wait what? I'm confused" Phil said.

"your boyfriend knows it's your birthday and he called me saying he wanted to make a surprise and then u didn't go to school and he forgot to call me and this happened. Which probably is a really big surprise for me too" PJ said.

"that is so cool. Thanks Dan."

"you're welcome Phil. But it didn't actually happen so yeah"

"and PJ...he isn't my boyfriend"

"he isn't?" PJ said

"no" Phil replied. I tried hard to keep my anger inside. But I failed.

"we aren't? after all that. You telling me you have feelings for me and then ME KISSING YOU AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO START DATING? YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE MY BOYFRIEND? ARE YOU KIDDING ME PHIL?" I said and I might have yelled a bit. Too much. Phil sat next to me and grabbed my hand.

"I said you aren't. I didn't say you won't be" he said. I smiled and PJ just stood there looking awkwardly at us.

"I'mreally happy for you guys but I think I should get going. Happy birthday Phil...enjoyyour time with your boyfriend" PJ said and winked at me. Still too awkward. Assoon as PJ left, I kissed Phil. Finally Lester loves me. I have never been thishappy in my entire life. Because of Phil, I can now see the colours of life.And they are extremely beautiful. Just like my boyfriend.omni&M';���8

Away Forever - Dan & Phil 💕Where stories live. Discover now