My journey

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As I am in my house packing some things to take with me while I'm gone with Toothless, I hear yelling outside. I step out to see what it was and with no shock it was the Beserkers yelling at me to go away. To be honest that was the only thing we have ever agreed on 'me leaving.' I got on Toothless and we started leaving the Island of Berk.We didn't even think to look back at the very people who thought I was weak.

We flew over many lands to find one that doesn't have people on it. We found an island that had mostly dragons and no people. We flew down to rest and have some lunch before we would look around the place.

We started to take a look around the island and we heard a dragon crying in agony. We start heading towards the cry and once we got there it was a Timberjack with its tail stuck between two big rocks. As we tried to approach her, she started firing at us.

"Its okay, we're just trying to help you," I said.

"Wait, how do you know our language?" The Timberjack asked.

"I taught it to him," Toothless said.


"Because without his bravery to help me and disobey his people, I had to give him something in return. Soon after he and I became good friends."

"But can the boy be trusted."

"Yes," Toothless says chuckling, "he can be trusted."

With those words the Timberjack trusted me to get her tail out from between the two rocks. She said her name was Jupiter, for the bronze color of her scales. She decided to stay by our side for thanks in helping her.

"Hey Toothless," I said, "you said you were going to tell me the reason to why my eyes started glowing red back there."

"What?!" Jupiter said, "Did he say that his eyes glowed red, the scarlet red."

"Yes, I did say I was going to tell you about your eyes glowing scarlet red after we left Berk."

"Why do they glow scarlet red when I am mad?" I asked.

"Actually they don't glow scarlet red when your mad, they glow when you have awaken," Jupiter said.

"What Jupiter means is that you are the next king of dragons. The very reason your eyes have glowed was to tell us that you have the power to rule over all dragons and stop the very evil that enslave us dragons."

"But what am I supposed to do about this. I have no power what so ever."

"That's were we come in. You see this island is full of dragons and no people, meaning this island is for dragons that have come to train the next king." Toothless and Jupiter soon started sending out a roar so loud you could hear it all around the island. Right after they finished other dragons started roaring and flying our way. They landed right in front of me bowing their heads.

"Hiccup, these are your teachers that will help you control and maintain your powers while you also tend to get stronger and more powerful," Toothless said.

"Okay I understand but what is this 'very evil' that I have to defeat?"

"The queen of dragons, the Red Death."

Haha got you with the cliffhanger right. Well any way I would like to give a shout out for:
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Bye guys 😘

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