Red Death part 2

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Last time, we left off with Hiccup and Toothless being hit with a blast from the Red Death.


~Jumana's pov~

"Hiccup!!!" I yelled as I go to Hiccup and Toothless's side. They both seemed to be fine, but once I got a glance at Hiccup's foot it brings me to tears. His foot was very badly burned. It looked like it could get infected. So I tear part of my clothing and raps it around his foot before it could get infected. I have Toothless carry him to the cave so I could treat him. I was scared to lose him. I felt a stabbing pain in my heart coming multiple times every time I look at the state he was in.

Once we were at the cave, I saw that Hiccup's foot was to badly injured. I told Toothless about the injury, but there was a way to save Hiccup. I needed Jupiter to cut his foot off. She did so and in the process I was looking for healing herbs after stopping the bleeding.

Once I got back I treated his wound and others with the medicine. I went back out to look for something that could help him walk. I searched and searched until I came across an abandon viking ship.

I entered the ship and grabbed some metal, hammers, wood, cloth, screws, and tools. I ran back with the supplies and, with the dragons help, created a new foot for him. After finishing making it I placed it on Hiccup's leg. I stayed there caring for him until he wakes up.

~Time skip~

~Hiccup's pov~

I start to wake in the cave wondering what happened. I remember defeating the Red Death and before she died she blasted me and Toothless after that I blacked out. 'Wait, where is Toothless, Snow, Jumana, and Jupiter.' As I was trying to get up, I find out that my foot is gone and is replaced with a metal one. My foot must have taken an incredible amount of damage for it to be cut off.

Soon I start to hear voices, it must have been everyone coming back.

"Hiccup, your finally up," Jumana said after running to hug me.

"Yeah, I'm awake and I feel completely fine. How long was I out?"

"You was out for 2 months," Toothless said.

"That long!"

"Yes and Jumana cared for you the whole time."

"Is that so, thank you," I said.

"Your welc...." Jumana passed out in my arms. I called her name for her to wake up but no respond.

"Hiccup, she had no sleep until she was sure you were completely fine," Jupiter said.

I looked down at the sleeping beauty in front of me. I lay her down next to me and slowly drift of to sleep.

~1 year later~

After getting used to walking on the new foot Jumana gave me, I realize that I have to go back to Berk in two months until my five year banishment is complete. The thought of going back to the same people who treated me like trash. I could feel the anger building up in me turning my eyes red. I calm myself by thinking about the time I spent on the island with Toothless, Jupiter, Snow, the other dragons, and Jumana. It was the best years in my life.

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