Chapter Thirteen

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It was the next morning as the crew was getting ready for a big fight. They watched as the endeavor appears behind the mist.
"The Enemy is here! Lets take them!" Marty shouted as the crew shouted with him, but stopped as more than one ship had appeared.
They all turned to look at Lorena and Jack as she scratched the back of her head.
"Awk! Abandon ship! Abandon ship!" The parrot says flying off.
Jack, Lorena, and Barbossa was on shore walking up to Will, Beckett and Davy Jones'. Lorena smiled when she saw Will as he smiled back at her.
"You be the cur that led these wolves to our door,"
"Don't blame Turner, he was merely the tool of your betrayal. If you wish to see its grand architect, look to your left,"
Lorena couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Jack as he himself looked to the left but realized there was nobody else there.
"My hands are cleaned in this one.... Figuratively,"
"My actions were my own and to my own purpose. Jack had nothing to do with it,"
"Well spoke, listen to the tool," Jack said causing Lorena to glare harder at him as she crossed her arms.
"Will, I have something to say. I spoke with your father and I forgive you Will. I forgive you for leaving me to die, I forgive you for leaving me the first time. And you want to know why? It's because I love you and once you love someone deeply you can't unlove them. Will I will always love you and that's why I'm willing to give you another chance in my life, and I've been aboard the Dutchman, I understand the burden you bear, but I fear that cause is lost,"
"Lorena. Thank you for giving me another chance. I promise to be a better man for you my love. But no cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it,"
"If Turner was not acting on your behalf, then how did he come to give me this? You made a deal with me, Jack, to deliver the pirates, and here they are. Don't be bashful, step up, claim your reward," Beckett says as he
tosses Jack compass and he caught it with ease.
"Jack please tell me it's not true. My own brother didn't betray me please tell me he's lying,"
"Your debt to me Lorena is still to be satisfied. Two hundred years in service aboard the Dutchman. As a start,"
"You know Davy. I have another proposition for you,"
"Speak your mind Sparrow,"
"Since both Jack and I are siblings and I attempted to take his place in the locker. I propose an exchange, my debt to you will be satisfied because Will leaves with us and you can take Jack who will serve my place,"
"Jack is one of the nine pirate lords you have no right!"
"Who made me king? Jack Sparrow did,"
"As you command dear sister," Jack says taking his hat off to bow down to her.
Barbossa cutts off Jack's piece of eight as Jack the monkey reaches out and grabs it.
"If you be saying something I be saying something as well,"
"From start to finish then,"
Jack and Will began switching places as Will was now standing next to Lorena.
"What happened to you and Jack being so close?"
"Oh we are. But he doubled crossed me so he's getting what he deserves," she says.
"Advise your brethren, you can fight and all of you will die, or you can not fight in which case only most of you will die,"
"You will die by my hands Beckett. Mark my words,"
Beckett smirked.
"And you will be mine. Mark my words,"
"Your death will come before that ever happens,"
"We shall see Ms. Sparrow,"
"King?" Will asked as they began walking away.
"Of the Brethren court. Jackie made me king,"
"Maybe he does know what he's doing,"
When Lorena and Will reached the ship Lorena returned to her cabins tired and exhausted for the day.
"Lorena," she heard a voice call as they let themselves in.
"I don't remember me saying come in Will,"
"Well I needed to talk to you,"
"About what you said do you mean it? Lorena I've done stuff that I wouldn't forgive myself for, how can you?"
"Because Will. You have to forgive the people you love in order for the relationship to get stronger,"
"But I put you in the locker Lorena. That's something that-"
Will was cutt off when a pair of lips reached his owns. Will had pulled Lorena in closer as she wrapped her legs around his waist. When Lorena broke the kiss she slapped Will.
"That was for putting me in that locker. This is because I love you," she said before kissing him fully on the lips once more.

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