To PreethiRaman, because she agreed on my favor. :) Thank you so much PreethiRaman. :) That would be a username i'll never forget.
This is for all those who were betrayed. I've been there too. Listen to what I have to say. and I hope you interpret it the way I like. This mybe be the first poem I made that's got no skin, its easy to interpret it. I hope... I'm wishing you like it.
The Fakes
I halt to the hanged art
A mystified glory I never solved
It was something real
But of a dream
Took me time to heal
For my heart took the that beam
Thought you were an art
I looked up at you
Quite we had a few
But still my trust in you
Thought you were real
Could've crushed you at my heel
You were an illusion
Like a tri-dimensional box
Made to look a cube with line fussion
My line you dare not cross
I'm angry but you are worth not
I want to cry but you are worth not
I want to scream but you are worth not
I want to pity you but you are worth not
To not feel anything toward you
and worth it are you
You lost me friend
Me, I was praised
Oh, old friend
If you listened to times from the past
Might then you be drunk
By the fact that I could've been
Better without you
And now that you are gone
Even my finger moving was strength by points billion and one
- Dazia Joelle
~ I tried so hard to keep going. My pain was not yours to play with. I'm not your toy. Listen to my eyes.
The Poems of Learning and Knowing
ПоезіяAll these are wordified feelings from the moment I felt it. Don't judge me.