Silent Scream

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  • Dedicated to Florence Foy Alda Guillermo

This I give, to the strong woman (dedication), who went through everything to survive. Who would give up EVERYTHING for the sake of her children. And this is for all other strong mommies out there. You are the diety of every love in this world, always remember that.


The sky started to cry

Leaving me soaking and cold

Kissing my cheeks

An unforgiving slap

The sky above

So wide and mighty

Lo and Behold

Let it be, that the sky cry

Let it cry for she has been

In so much pain

To carry the tears in her grasp

And would only let go if it was too much

Let the sky's tears flow

So there be water to feed the plants

Like knowledge to feed

The people who await

Let the moonlight night

Whisper a howl

To the wind of the woods

The allies of nature

Hold your ground

And do not waver

As the rain is for her

And is for us too

We learn from every other's mistakes

It is not hard

Only, learn how to accept

That daggers pierce the heart

When the clouds cry

Do not join them

For you do not see the

Ounces of pain: the tears native spring

When the above spats

Fat drops of crystal

Do not wonder what makes them

For there is only one

Let the sky cry

Let the tears flow

Let the land recieve the key

Let the people recieve your will

Make an order

A Silent Scream

Cry and Know

So your wisdom harness land

- Dazia Joelle

~ I wili cry, because I am mighty. I will cry because I need it. I will cry because. . . tears are pains. And pain are scavengers that feed on fears. I will cry, so that I let go of the pain. . . and the FEAR.

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