For LammaLord, who just became my fan. This is for you :)) enjoy.
And for all the others who has the same problem with the man on the poem. You should know that even though your incapable of something, it doesn't mean it stops there. :) The illusion there is that you fail to see the goog things happening. It's okay to feel sad, but to grief over it not. :) Let not the down side be the down side.
The cold night comes
As boys start to chase the girls
As everyone start to stand
As they dance to the music vibe
Uncertainty, it stayed
But he didn't care
He still stood and moved
Knowing uncertainty is his friend
The unknown it wonders
The secret it wonders
The known it is no mystery
The known it is no secret
The leaves rustle
And the wind whistles
Creating a harmony as he keeps
The night air it gnaws at his face
There where he stays
At the side streets
Where the children dance to the music vibe
The strangers who clap their hands
The women who sits by, watching
Dropping coins with a click
On the man's tin can
Freedom, he had it
Enjoyed it while he can
As the night sky lived in the
Dark alley he used to strum into
There on the side streets
A note lays
A music takes seat
A life less happy
The stars above
That twinkle so far
The shoes that tap on the concrete street
Oh that man, who makes night seem day
He begins to strum
As he sees the children begin to run
Grabbing each other
Starting to dance
There on the side streets
There he lays
There he gives light
There, where the night is present
A note he is
The pure being of music
He blows
He strums
Where does he sleep tonight
He doesn't know
Where will he wake up
He doesn't care
He has nothing to do
So he knocks on the door
Of Heaven
As he prays
The lone wish swimming in the galaxy
As blonde curls fly in the air
And fingers druming on their waists
When the people would dance to the music vibe
As he sees the women
Twirl with their partners
As he sees the men
Hold hands with their child
The laughing all around
The red lips smiling
The brows arching
The night howling
There on the side streets
An old man lives
As he watches the lights turn down
And the people starts a merry dance
To the music vibe they smile
As he sees everyman jovial
As he sees the boys waltzing with the girls
And it pains him
To not hear his own music
- Dazia Joelle
~ I feel different. This peom will, at some part, talk anout difference. My being different is not an incapability, it is a unque characteristic you will come looking me for. <3
The Poems of Learning and Knowing
PoetryAll these are wordified feelings from the moment I felt it. Don't judge me.