Chapter 3: Arrival

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Three hours later...


After three hours of driving we ended up in Vergennes, Vermont, the smallest town I had ever seen before. The city or should I say town had one main street and seemed small or smaller than what I was used to. It was quaint but I knew I would grow to like it...eventually.

Apparently Lauren didnt get to talk to girls my age very often because she couldnt stop talking to me. The subjects varied from latest fashion styles or the fact that her youngest boys, who were four years of age, put the dog and the cat in a bath tub full of spaghetti and locked the door behind them. They seemed like my kind of guys; I knew i would get along with them. Daniel or Danny as everyone called him adopted three dogs, four cats, a rat, a snake , two goats, and a hampster and gave them to everyone for Christmas the previous year. Zoe couldnt help but laugh at both of those stories.

"Boys will be boys," Lauren said with a dejected sigh.

The car ride became silent again and Zoe thought abought the ways she could make the transition seem easier for Ryan, Mason, and herself.

Zoe turned to Lauren and asked," Do you think we could Ryan and Mason on the baseball team here when the season starts. And if there was a gymnastics team I could sign up for would that be a problem?"

" Of course we can set you up at gymanstics; there is a team at the high school. The boys baseball team doesnt start until Spring and with it being October and all they have a couple of months before it starts." Lauren said as she was pulling into a long driveway under a canopy of trees.   " I know moving here is going to be hard on the three of you."

" Yah, I just wanted a sense of normalicy for us. That isnt a bad thing, right?"

" Zoe, its perfectly fine to want those things especially with what happened to you three." She said while stopping the car. " We're here."

When Lauren stopped Zoe turned to look out the window beside her and her mouthed dropped with suprise and awe. The house was huge. Scratch that it was a mansion. It was a huge log cabin style house. Zoe thought it was appropriate since they were in Vermont after all.

" Do you know if we are going to fit," she asked still suprised.

" Of course you will fit. There are fifteen bathrooms, fouteen bedrooms, a great room, and a rec room for the kids but I'll let the boys give you a tour later. Lets introduce you to everyone." she said while getting out to wake up the boys. "You will only be meeting ten of the boys today because Eli lives down the road with his wife Emma in the cottage and Matt is in the Marine Corp. stationed in Iraq."

Laurne shook the boys awake and asked them to help her carry the bags in while I processed everthing.

We made our way inside and the interior of the house was better than the extirior. She shouldnt be suprised though because Lauren Caldwell was a famous interior designer in New York.

The dropped the stuff by the door an made there way to kitchen where they found all the boys seated eating lunch.


Cliff hanger... Sorry I had to. Plus its another filler chapter. This chapter has not been edited. You have been warned... Adios my little tacos.

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