Chapter 4: Meet and Greet

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When they walked into the kithcen the boys all stopped eating and stared at them. All nine of them it felt like she was on display at a museum or that they had never seen an actual girl in their house that was fully clothed that wasn't related to them. Each and every one of them from oldest to youngest were hot or going to be cute when they go older. Zoe thought to herself.

The oldest boy in the room stepped toward her with his hand hold out in front of him and said, "Hi, my name is Elijah, but you can call me Eli, and this is my wife Emma." He gestured to the woman sitting next to him at the kitchen counter. He had dark brown hair and was extremely tall. Emma was petite around 5'2'' and had blond hair and brown eyes.

The next boy looked to be about eighteen or nineteen years of age and was opposite Elijah in the looks department. Where Elijah was had dark hair; this boy had blond hair and blue eyes just like Lauren except he was as tall as Elijah. He looked up from his breakfast and said," My names Ethan and yer purty." He said it as if he had a Western accent and it was terrible but it made Zoe laugh anyways. He's cute she thought to herself.

The leaning against the counter without a shirt on said to her, "I'm Ryder an you are gorgeous."

"And I'm not interested."

But Zoe couldn't stop staring at his stomach and couldn't help but think that his abs very delectable. No. She thought to ourself do not under any circumstances think about dating any of these boys it will just make everything awkward.

She was thinking to hard to herself that she didn't hear what the next boy said to her.

"I'm sorry can you repeat your name I didn't hear?"

The boy huffed in exasperation, "I'm Jackson and thank you for putting my obnoxious brother in his place."

Jackson looked exactly like Ryder; they both had dark brown hair but unlike Elijah they had bright blue eye and were of similar build but still very tall.

"Your welcome," Zoe said while smirking.

She looked over at the kitchen table and was surprised to see three identical heads turned towards her.

The one closest one to her said," Hi my name is Jason I'm the youngest of the triplets." He pointed to the boy sitting next to him and said," thats Micah and he's the oldest the other one is Chris and he's in the middle."

All three boys were identical and I mean identical you would not be able to tell them apart they had dark brown hair and bright green eyes.

"Its nice to meet you." She said with a smirk, she could tell they were mischievous.

A little boy around the same age as her brothers ran up to her and hugged her. "Hi I'm Danny."

Zoe got down on her knees so she was on his level and said," Hi my name is Zoe and you look like my brothers' age maybe you should go over there and talk to them." Danny nodded his head but then said," I have a surprise for you do you want to know what it is?"

"Does it have something to do with animals because your mom told me a few stories?"

Danny looked at her sheepishly. " Yah its a kitted Peter and Jamie helped me find him."

"And where are Peter and Jamie?"

All of a sudden two dirty little boys ran into the kitchen yelling," We're here we came to see the new girl."

Zoe couldn't help but laughing.

She looked down at the boys and asked," And who might you be?"

The one on the right said," I'm Peter and I'm older than him." He gestured to his brother to the left of him.

"I'm Jamison Caldwell but you can call me Jamie," he said frowning. "Who are they?" he said while pointing at my brothers who were standing in the corner of the kitchen.

I beckoned my brothers over. "Come on boys come introduce yourselves."

They came over and Mason stepped forward and introduced himself then Ryan did the same.

"Well now that you all know each other", Lauren turned towards Ryder and asked him,"where is your brother."

Ryder looked at his feet sheepishly and I knew that this would be interesting.

"Devon's upstairs probably still sleeping because of his hangover,"

"A hangover huh? Well lets go wake him up shall we?"

Lauren smiled evilly, making everyone wince, before turning on her heel and heading for the stairs.


Hey guys sorry that I haven't updated in a while I will try to get some more chapters out and I hope to do some editing. But I hope this chappy satisfies you until then. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to vote and comment and follow me. Adios my little enchiladas.

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