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I would really appreciate the feed back on this book. This is my third and I hope I am getting better, but enjoy anyway.


It was dark out that was the first thing she realized. It was cold and snowing. Zoe and her brothers were in the back seat talking and laughing with each other. While they were oblivious to everything going on around them, their dad was trying to keep the car from sliding off the rode.

How could she not notice the grim faces of her parents while they were trying to keep them from barreling down the cliff side.? How could She not notice the tense few seconds before the car slid on that sheet of ice?


"Hey ,Mom, hoe much longer do you think it will take us to get home I have to call Jesica about some homework questions?" Zoe asked. What she really wanted to ask Jessica was what she should wear to the party on Friday night.

"I don't know sweat heart we should be home in a half-hour if this snow lets up soon", her mom said tensely.

Why was her mom acting so stressed she never acts this way? Oh well--she shrugged to herself--maybe she just doesn't like driving in the snow.

"Hey ,Honey?" her dad asked.

"Yah ,dad?" she said.

"Can you move in between your brothers so they will stop fighting? I cant concentrate on driving if they are."

She looked over at her brothers, which were fighting over some toy that they both wanted, and rolled her eyes. "Sure I can move."

"Thanks Hon' I didn't want to have to pull over in this storm," her dad said quietly.

After she moved in between her brothers her dad swerved the car.

"Get down!" ,her dad yelled.

She put her hands on top of Mason and Ryan's heads and pushed them down so they wouldn't go through the windshield. Then everything went black.


For sat straight up in the bed she was in. Damn I really shouldn't have done that she thought as waves of pain shot up through her body. Once she got the pain to lessen some she looked around at her surroundings. Why am I in a hospital? Wait where are Mason and Ryan where my parents? She started frantically pressing the help button on the side of the bed so she could ask the nurse some questions.

A nurse quickly walked in the door and asked, "Is everything alright. Do you need something?"

"Can you tell me where my parents and brothers are?" She asked quietly even though she was afraid what the answer might be.

The nurse looked at her file and said, "Mason is in surgery right now because he a glass shard stuck in his leg. He should be out in---she looked at her watch---fifteen minutes."

"Where's Ryan?" She asked quietly.

The nurse looked down at her file again and said, "He's up on the fourth floor in the pediatric wing. The only reason why your not up there with him is because you got out of surgery a few hours ago and we wanted to keep an eye on you. He's perfectly fine although he has a mild concussion. Your body shielded Mason and Ryan from most of the shrapnel."

"What about my parents? You haven't said anything about them yet."

The nurse looked at her with sadness in her eyes, "A women is here to talk to you about that. May she come in; she's waiting outside the door." Zoe nodded.

The nurse stuck her head out the door and told the women to come in. She turned back to Zoe and said, " I'll just leave you two alone so you can talk." She turned back around and walked out the door.

Just as the door was about to close the women grabbed it and stepped inside. She looked up at at Zoe and Zoe saw that she had been crying. Zoe's worst fears were confirmed; right then she new that her parents hadn't lived through the accident.

For looked down at her hands and whispered, "Their dead arnt they?" as a tear rolled down her cheek that she hastily wiped away. She looked up at the women who was now seated at the chair beside her bed, "What killed them?" ,she asked quietly.

The woman ,she still didn't know her name yet, looked at her with tears streaming down her face. "They were killed because of the impact, the died instantly they didn't suffer."

Zoe looked up at the ceiling with tears streaming down her face and said, "That's all I wanted to know that they didn't suffer." 

"Sweatheart, I am---or was your mother's best friend ,Lauren Caldwell, from university and she asked me if something ever happened to her that I take you and your brothers in. Is that ok? I promise I have enough room" ,she said with a chuckle, "that is if you want to come with me it's your decision."

Zoe looked at Mrs. Caldwell as if she were seeing her for the first time. She was small, petite she almost looked like she was 5'1'' ,which was close to Zoe's own height at 5'2'', but the women looked young mid 30's or early 40's. When Zoe took in Mrs. Caldwell' s appearance she saw that she was beautiful, she had a few wrinkles here and there but most of them were probably laugh lines. Her body was toned and fit and she had blond hair. What she noticed most were her eyes; her eyes were a striking bright blue. She saw in them that there was sadness but most of all she saw kindness and love; she new that she had made her decision.

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