Chapter Five:

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Hey there guys I just wanted to say that this chapter is not edited. Thank you for reading.


As the bunch made their way to the back staircase Zoe couldn't help but think that Lauren and the boys did this often. She smirked to herself and ran after them to catch up. When she got their she saw that he boys were all smirking and Lauren was carrying a bucket of water. They stopped in front of what she assumed was Devin's bedroom door which was spray painted dark red. She rolled her eyes and figured that this was the resident "bad boy" of the family. The sound of Laurens snickering brought her back to reality. Zoe saw the mischeavouis gleam in Laurens eyes as one of the boys turned the door-knob slowly.

Lauren pushed the door open and everyone filed in silently.

Zoe looked around Devins room. The colors were dark blue's and muted greys. He had a queen sized bed where he was passed out on...

Zoe quickly covered her brothers' eyes because she didnt want her nine year-old brothers seeing a teenage girl. The rest of the room looked pretty cool though. He had a flat screen tv across from the bed that had an assortment of video games and consoles. On the other side of the room there was a cluttered desk and a tall book shelf net to it. Apparently, he didnt have his own bathroom. But what suprised her the most were the two bottles of tequila and shot glasses beside the bed. The two in the bed were obvviously very, very drunk.

Zoe glanced at Lauren to see if she had noticed that her son was passed out drunk with a girl in his bed. She saw in Laurens eyes were filled with sadness and unshed tears.

She knew there was something deeper going on with Laurens son but respected their privacy; she knew that she wouldnt want strange people asking her or her brothers about their dead parents. But she would find out eventually.

Lauren turned towards her with a small smile on her face and handed her the bucket. She pointed to the bed and whisperd, "You get to pour it on him."

Zoe hesitated, but went up to the side of the bed with Devin sleeping on and dumped the ice cold water on him. She jumped back just as he bolted upright.

"What the Fu---?" He then realized that other people were in the room, "What the frick."

He looked right at her and she looked down to see that she still held the bucket.

Devon glared at her with a look that said 'I'm going to kill you.' "Who the hell are you?" he sneered.

Zoe gave Devin a 'death' glare, or what she thought was one.

"Who the hell am I? She snarled, "Why the hell are you still in bed at two in the afternoon and apparently hungover," she gestured the bottles of vodka littering the floor next to his bed. "And why is there a red-headed slut in you bed half-naked while there are children running around?" She yelled at him, fuming.

She turned to her brothers, who were peeking into the room on either sides of the doorway.  

"Boys, she said tersely, why don't you go wait at the other end of the hallway?" 

Ryan turned the other way and ran down the hall.  Zoe grimaced to herself at the thought of him frightened by her.

Mason stepped into the room and smirked at her, " Its not like I haven't seen you naked."

All the other boys and Lauren had been quiet up until that moment becaues they were to busy watching the exchange between her and her brothers. They all started snickering when Mason said that though.

Zoe smirked and said, "And Ive seen you naked. But if you don't get out of this room in the next five seconds, I won't help you with your homework,  I'll make you give Ryan his medicine,"----Mason looked like he was going to puke----,"and I'll make you babysit Ryan when he's high."

Mason dashed out the door before shi finished her last sentence. 

Zoe spun on her heel and glared once again at Devin. She saw that Lauren was looking at Devin with something akin to sadness or empathy in her eyes. But the other boys were all looking at her with incredulous expressions; probably because she said Ryan got high but she did't mean in THAT was complicated to explain to them at the moment.

"Devin, if you don't get that whore out of this house, and Idon't care how you do it, without anyone seeing; I will personally make your life a living hell."

"Oh, and my names Zoe Anderson and my brothers are Mason and Ryan. We will be living with you for several months."

With that she made her way to the hallway ignoring the looks of pure shock from everyone.

She also tried to ignore how good Devin looked with his shirt off.



Hello my little tacos. I hope you liked this chapter. you got to meet the infamous "bad boy". Lots of twists and turns ahead. Hopefully I will be able to get more chappy's done for you since schools out. Anywho VOTE VOTE VOTE and tell you friends and please advertise my book.Luv ya to smithers. Peace out.

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