Chapter 2

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Omg we drove for so long before we stopped for a bit. Even then it was only to get gas and a snack. Meanwhile I had no idea where we were going. I was just happy Dad wasn't drunk. About 5 hours later we pulled up to a hotel which looked oddly familiar. That's when it clicked. I knew where we were going. And I had about a million problems with it. But mainly I wanted to know why. Why was he taking us there. I mean he was hurt there too. He would have bad memories there too. It didn't make any sense. Huh maybe he was drunk. Not likely. We were going home. Now I was seriously confused. We walked into the hotel room, and dad went straight to take a shower. I took the opportunity to call Mason.

Ring, Ring



"Layla, thank goodness you called. Where are you? Has dad said anything? Whats happened?"

"Well we are in a hotel. The River Rock Hotel to be exact"


" Yeah I know thats what I thought too"

" Why on earth are you ..... Do you think that he is taking you home?"

"Yeah thats what I'm guessing. But I don't understand why. I mean why would he of all people want to go back home?"

"I don't know Layla. The guy is mental. Who knows whats going through his head."

" Yeah I guess you're right. Anyway what do we do now?"

" Well I talked to our lawyer and he said"

" Wait since when do we have a lawyer?"

"Since yesterday. Now don't interrupt its rude." (I rolled my eyes at that comment) " as I was saying we talked to our lawyer and he said it would take at least 3 months if not more to go to court to fight for your custody. "



" I bet you are"

"Layla who are you talking to," dad said as he came out from the bathroom.

"Mason I'll call you back love ya."

"Wait Layla no! I have something to tell........." I hung up there. I wish I could have heard what he had to say but the matter at hand was more important right now.

"Layla who were you just speaking to?" My dad questioned. You could obviously tell he was mad though.

"Mason." I barely mumbled

" You will have no contact with any one unless I say so is that clear!" He screamed. He took my cell phone and threw it across the room.

" Yes dad" I replied, I didn't know what to do. My dad has never yelled at me. I mean sure he has gotten mad before, but he has never yelled at me. I wanted to cry. But I knew it wasn't a subject worth wasting my tears on. So instead I slowly climbed into my nice, soft, warm hotel bed and prepared myself for the next days struggles.

------------------------------------- next day

I woke up to the sound of shattering

glass. When I opened my eyes I saw my dad screaming at some hotel staff.

"Maybe if you just did your job correctly then you wouldn't have to deal with angry customers!" my dad screeched.

I looked at the clock next to me and saw the it was about 8:00. I tired to go back to sleep but dad kept yelling and breaking things. I could tell the staff was fed up, thought they tired to keep there cool. The just kept telling him that whatever he breaks he has to pay for. Though I don't really think he cared at this point. Oh great here come the manager, probably to kick us out. Nice going dad. Dad kept on screaming and yelling at the manager. At this point it was drawing a crowd. About then was the moment I realized that I didn't even know what he was really arguing about! Could this day get any worse.

One hour later.

Some how somebody got dad to calm down. I don't really know how but they did. I took a shower and did my hair in a side braid. Then we were back on the road again. We drove for the rest of the day until we finally came to our destination. My hunch was right about where we were going. Home.

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