Chapter 6

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Awww Summer! So happy to have the whole summer to write. Yeah so in this chapter I tried to get a bit more background out. Tell me if you are confused at any point. Warning NOT EDITED(again)

The wind hit my face like a cold slap. It felt good. Almost relieving. I smelled the familiar scents of my former pack mates. I crossed the borders and ran as fast as I could. I did not want anyone to see me. I figured that they would pick up my scent later and I hoped they thought it was just the midnight sun pack doing well....I don't really know. Actually I don't really understand what my thought process was. I just had a calling. Or really it was more of a longing to be back.

I arrived at the one place where my fate was changed forever. My old house. It had definitely gotten older. And it hadn't looked like anyone had kept it up. I remembered memories that I really didnt want to remember at the time. The war. The people who died. My family that was lost.

I walked through the front door and the smell of the old wood hit me. I felt like I was back where I belonged. But it just didn't feel right. Something was missing. I knew what it was but I didn't want to think about it. That didn't happen though. As I walked though my house I missed my mom. I missed my dad. Well the way he used to be. Believe it or not he was not at all like this. He was kind and sweet and the best dad in the world. But most of all I missed my mom. I missed us snuggling on the couch and watching s chick-flick. I missed when we would talk for hours about nothing. I missed when we laughed.

I walked upstairs to my old room. By then the tears were flowing freely. I missed my house. My room held all my favorite memories. I had memories of my friends and I having sleepover and getting popcorn stuck in the bed. I remembered when I had the flu and my family took turn keeping me occupied for days. I missed all the fun times I had. I walked to my dresser and saw a picture of my best friend. I sat on my bed and cried. I just cried. I had been strong for so long. I finally let loose and let myself cry.

I don't know how long it was before i noticed the tall figure standing silently in the doorway.

"Hi" he said gently.

"I know I know, Im not supposed to be here but-"

"But what Layla. It is your house you know"

"How did you figure it out" I said quietly. I knew they would but not this fast.

"Hmmm well considering Im like your best friend, I don't need much to identify you with." After he said that I ran to him. He embraced me with a warm hug.

"Oh Garrett, I missed you so much."

"I missed you to Layla." It was true I had missed him and all my other friends so much. I was secretly hoping that someone would be able to recognize me.

"Why are you here?" He asked

" My dad kidnaped me. Well I guess its not really kidnapping if he has custody of me but whatever right..." I said letting the sentence hang a bit. I wasn't really sure what to say. Should I tell him the truth and expect him to keep it a secret or just lie and say I that I was just passing through or whatever.

His eyes started to turn black. I was part of the Alpha family so I guess him being a wolf in the pack he felt angry the someone had hurt his Alpha family in any way. Although technically it was his former Alpha that was doing the damage.

"Im going to kill him."he said. Rage dripping from his voice.

" No wait you don't know the whole story." I said quickly. The one thing I knew about Garrett was that he solely acting on impulse. No matter what the consequences.

"Ok fine explain." He said kind of annoyed. Don't I have a great best friend.

"Ok well I guess I start from the beginning we wer-" He cut me off mid sentence.

"Start from the very beginning, like when you left."

"Umm lets just keep it with the kidnapping part." I wasnt sure if it was ready to share the whole story with him. I mean I bet he knew the worse parts of it but I was already going against my better judgement by telling him this much. Really this whole situation seemed pretty peculiar to me. It wasn't that I didn't trust Garrett, but if something ever happened I didn't want him to know information they could use against him. I started off by just telling him the basics of what happend.

" Well he kind of did basicly a stick up. We drove here. Im staying with the midnight sun pack. I started back at River View today as you can tell. Oh and yeah I might kind of be becomming a part of the Midnight Sun pack in about a week or so. Thats about it. Any questions." I was so hoping he didnt' have any questions. I looked into his eyes only to find them pitch black. Oh great his wolf was now taking over. This isn't going to be pretty.

"Garrett clam down." I said gently. He wasnt calming down in any way, shape, or form. In fact I think he got madder.

"Calm down. You will not doing anything about this." I said using my Alpha voice. His wolf had no choice to obey. I still had complete comtrol over everybody in this pack. Because we did not leave traditionally, I still had full authority to everyone in this pack. So did all my brothers. His eyes slowly started to return to their normal brown color.

"Why do you still have the Alpha power for this pack?" He asked curiously.

"Well because we didn't go through the traditional ceremony of release." I stated. The traditional ceremony of release is when a Alpha decides he is done being Alpha. He then can give it to his successor.

"Garrett," I asked "Who is the new Alpha." I was really curious as to who took over my pack.

"His name is Joseph King. Why?"

"Well I just wondering who 'took' over my pack." I said. He laughed at how I put quotation marks around the word took. He know too that it is still my families pack.

"Now what?" he asked

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"I mean about you. Like are you going to come back and take over the pack.?"


"What do you mean No?"

"Garrett I want to. Believe me I want to. But I can't. I just can't Im not ready to yet. Besides it wasn't my fault Im back I didn't choose to come back. Im sorry."

"I get it. I guess."

"Well not being rude but what would you do if you were in my situation. All I have is bad memories of this place. Why would I want to come back?"

"Because its your pack!" Garrett exclaimed. He was obviously getting frustrated.

"Why would I besides Im 13 how the heck am I supposed to lead a pack!" Now I was getting frustrated.

"Because your Layla! You have 5 brothers who all have the Alpha gene. Who were all meant to be powerful in the were world. What makes you any different." he stated the last sentence quietly.

"I just-

"Layla they miss you. They want you back. Even if you're not the Alpha. They want you and your family back in there lives. I know you have your reasons for leaving. I don't know what they are, but they must be pretty important to make all of you leave. I know this but they don't, they think you left them to fend for themselves. Go redeem yourself. Tell them the reason you and your family left. Please for me. For your pack." Wow did not see hat coming. I hate him he always knows how to change my mind in 3 seconds flat.

"Maybe I will think about it." Although this is exactly what I did not want to do, I felt like there was a reason that it made sense. I couldn't find a reason other than my wolf inside of me wants it. And I know from experience that your wolf knows best. Even when it makes no sense. Like now. I would keep my word to Garrett and actually think about it. Garrett gave me a big hug and told me to meet him here tomorrow. He said he would cover my tracks until I decided what I would do. I was so happy to have my best friend back and on my side.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2012 ⏰

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