Chapter 8: Movin' to Georgia

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Nicole's POV

I woke up the next morning with Luke still passed out on my side. I smiled and kissed his cheek. I grabbed my phone and carefully got out of bed and went into the bathroom to shower. Before I got in, I received a text message from Nataliee. 

Nat: Hunter and I have a flight at noon, but I wanted to come by and say goodbye for now.

Nic: That's alright with me! I'm about to jump into the shower. Luke is still passed out. Text me when your on your way :)

I turned off my phone and got into the shower. After a good 15min shower, I got out and put on my lace bra and underwear then wrapped myself up with a towel. I peaked into the bedroom to see Luke was gone. I went into my bedroom and removed the towel and went to my closet. I decided to wear a camo t-shirt with cut off shorts and of course my boots. I combed out my hair and then braided it. I went downstairs to see that Luke had made us a pancake breakfast with bacon and some coffee. I smiled. Luke saw me and came over to me. He wrapped his hands around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Good morning darlin'." Luke said smiling then pecking my lips with a soft kiss. "Good morning handsome." I said smiling at him. I was still replaying last night in my head. How Luke had all of this planned out just to ask me to be his girlfriend. No guy has ever gone out of their way to impress me that much. Luke looked at me kind of worried, "What's wrong Luke?" I asked concerned. Luke still gave me a worried look, "You went quiet for a bit then had a straight face. I thought there was something wrong." Luke said putting his hand on my face. I shook my head, "I was just thinking." I told him with a smile and looking into his amazing brown eyes. Luke smiled at me and kissed the top of my head. "What you be thinking about darlin'?" Luke asked as he returned his hands to my hips. I was still looking into his amazing brown eyes with my arms still wrapped around his neck, "I was just replaying last night in my head. Of how perfect everything was and it was just such a sweet gesture that no guy would ever do for little me." I said smiling. Luke began to blush, "You deserve the best Nicole." Luke said as he kissed the top of my head again. "Now how 'bout we eat some breakfast that your amazing boyfriend has made." Luke said as he smiled. I knew he enjoyed calling himself my boyfriend, and I really enjoyed the sound of it as well. We went to my table to eat. All the sudden my phone buzzed. I looked at my phone to see that Nataliee texted me saying that her and Hunter were on their way to say their goodbyes for now. Luke and I quickly finished up eating and I began to do the dishes and Luke dried them off and put them back where he got them from. Just as we finished, there was a knock on my door. I went and opened the door to see Nataliee and Hunter. I let them in. Hunter went to Luke to talk while Nataliee and I began to try to figure out plans for them to see me and Luke and for me and Luke to see them. "I'm really going to miss that your only 10min away from me!" I said as I began to tear up. Nataliee began to tear up too and we both went in for a hug. We held each other for a good 15min until Hunter tapped on Nataliee's shoulder signaling it was time for them to leave. I gave Nataliee one more big loving hug and then I went to Hunter as Luke was saying goodbye to Jordan. "Please take care of her. I don't know what I would do if something happened to my best friend." I said tearing up as I talked to Hunter. Hunter then pulled me in for a hug and rubbed my back. "Don't worry Nicole, Nataliee's going to be in great hands!" Hunter said giving me a reassuring smile. I nodded my head. Luke and I stood on the porch and I watched my best friend drive off. I began to cry. Nataliee and I have never been this far apart in years. Luke pulled me in for a hug and began to rub my back. He also kissed the top of my head. "It will be okay darlin'. You guys can FaceTime all you need." Luke said softly. I sniffled and wiped my eyes. "Our flight leaves in about six hours, so I think you should get packed. I'm going to go back to my tour bus and quickly pack so I can be back to help you. Will you be okay here alone?" Luke asked getting a worried look on his face again. I nodded my head. Luke and I kissed a short but passionate kiss and then he went into his pick up truck and drove off. I began to put on a light amount of makeup then began to pack up my bathroom first, then my makeup, then my laptop, then I would do my clothes since I had quite a bit. I began to pack. It was still strange to not only have Luke Bryan as my boyfriend, but that I was now moving to Georgia where I knew no one and none of my family was. Oh my god! My parents! I haven't updated them! I decided to quickly call my parents and tell them everything that has happened in the past few weeks. My mom was so stoked that I was dating THE Luke Bryan. But then when I told them I was moving to Georgia, they were kind of if-y about it. After about another 15min of talking to them, they finally said I could go as long as I didn't get pregnant and that we would be safe. I told them I would be safe and they had no worries about me getting pregnant. I said my goodbyes to them over the phone and resumed back to my packing. About an hour later, Luke came back and started helping me fit all of my clothes and boots into the two suitcases I had left. I had a total of three suitcases which isn't bad. We got my stuff loaded into Luke's rental. I put my keys in a drawer. I asked if my parents could look after my house sometimes, which they agreed to, and I left them a note. Luke went and loaded up my bags in the back of the truck. I looked at my house one more time before I closed the door behind me and locked my front door. I couldn't believe this was happening! I was so scared and nervous but at the same time I was super excited for what was going to happen for me and Luke. I got into the passenger side of Luke's rental for the last time and went to the airport.


Luke's POV

I loaded up Nicole's three suitcases, never understanding why girls needed so much stuff but anyways, we then drove to the airport. We had to go to a special gate for my private jet which Nicole didn't know we were going on. We pulled by some metal gates. Nicole looked at me very confused and I just smiled. I drove to a spot where there was a private jet and Nicole's eyes got so big. She looked at me so surprised and was smiling so big. I couldn't help and just stare at her, she was the most gorgeous girl I have ever laid my eyes on in years. We got out of the rental and we started grabbing our bags. "Just set them down right here and the pilot will load up our bags. I said kissing the top of her head. Nicole was so excited, it was so cute. I opened the door to enter into the jet and I let Nicole go first. We entered the jet and Nicole's jaw dropped. It wasn't all that fancy. There was hints of camo around the private jet, of course a flat screen TV big enough to fit into the jet, nice leather seats, and a guitar in the back ever in case I just wanted to play on a flight. Nicole went to the window seat in the back. She looked at me and smiled. I took a seat next to her and wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cute blushed cheek. "I never imagined I would be flying in a private jet with Luke Bryan who is my boyfriend and that I'm now moving to Georgia." Nicole said smiling and taking my hand in hers. I smiled, "Well believe it all darlin' 'cause it's really happening." I said. The pilot closed the door and we were getting ready to take off. It was going to be a 2 hour and 10min flight back home and with the girl of my dreams. I was so excited for her to meet my family and take her to all of my favorite spots! We started to take off towards Georgia. Nicole soon fell asleep. I got up and went to get a fuzzy blanket since the jet was a bit cold. As soon as I put the blanket around her, I picked her up and put her in my lap. I held her tight and cuddled her the whole ride back home. I soon then passed out with our foreheads touching each other's and with a smile on my face. My dream girl was coming home with me!

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