Chapter 10: Move

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Luke's POV:

Few hours later we finally landed back into my home state, Georgia. I was so excited to show Nicole around and have her live here with me. I knew it was going to be hard for her to adjust to moving to a complete different state, so I had some ideas up my sleeve. I helped Nicole down the private jet steps and then one of the guys that worked at the private airport pulled my my Ford F150. I grabbed me and Nicole's bags and put them in the bed. "Are you excited to be here?" I asked Nicole as I wrapped my hands around her waist. Nicole smiled, "Excited but also nervous to be in a new state and a new town where I have no friends." Nicole said. I knew she was still nervous so I pulled her closer and put my hand under her chin and lifted it up and I kissed her passionately. Nicole smiled into the kiss. "Did that help?" I asked giving her my signature smile. Nicole blushed and nodded her head. I went over to the passenger side of my truck and opened Nicole's door for her to get in. I then jogged over to my side and started my truck. I rolled down the windows and pulled out some shades for me and Nicole. I started to blast my albums as we began to drive into town. Nicole surprisingly didn't fall asleep, instead she had her head out the window and just looking at the new town she would be living in with me until I was going on tour again. About an hour or two later, we finally hit the private dirt road that led to my house. Once we pulled onto another dirt road, I smiled. I love touring and seeing all my fans and I was super happy I met Nicole during my tour, but I just love coming home to my own place and being able to relax and share it with Nicole was something I was really looking forward to. We pulled up to a nice medium sized ranch house. Nicole's jaw dropped and I just laughed. "What darlin'?" I asked as I put my truck into park and looked over at her with her jaw still dropped. "I just didn't expect this for Luke Bryan." Nicole said. I smiled, "What did you expect?" I asked curious to know her thoughts. "I just thought it would be a lot bigger with tons of trucks all over." Nicole laughed. I got out of my side and went over to her side and opened her door. "Actually Nicole, I have a surprise for you." I said as I took Nicole's hand in mine and walked her over to a garage that looked like a barn. I took my hands over her eyes and still guided her to the barn-garage. "Ready?" I asked excited to see her reaction. Nicole nodded her head and I removed my hands from her eyes. Nicole's eyes teared up and she covered her nose and mouth with her hands. In front of Nicole was my old Ford F150 truck but in her favorite color, blue with silver rims. I bent down and put my arm around her, "Do you love it? Because it's yours darlin'" I asked looking at her with tears rolling down her face. 


Nicole's POV

There, in front of me, was a beautiful blue Ford F150. I started to cry. Luke had given me his old Ford F150. I looked at him with tears rolling down my face. I flung myself onto Luke and kissed him passionately. I pulled away after kissing him for a good five minutes and looked into his amazing eyes, "I don't deserve such an amazing guy who spoils me so much!" I said still crying. Luke smiled and kissed the top of my head, "Darlin' you deserve nothing but the best! Your going to get spoiled and loved with me as your boyfriend. Get ready because this is one of many gifts I got for my amazing princess." Luke said as he took my hands in his. I hugged him tight and not wanting to let go. I have never been treated so perfect and never been given anything unless it was from my parents. I finally decided to let go of Luke after a ten minute hug. Luke opened the driver's side and let me get in. It felt so right to have my own pick up truck and I have been wanting one for years but I couldn't afford it. "How much do I owe you Luke?" I asked with my hands on the steering wheel. Luke shook his head, "Nothing darlin'. Like I said this is a gift from me to you for free." Luke said leaning up on the side of MY pick up truck. After I was done playing with my new truck, Luke gave me the keys and I kissed him again and again. Luke just smiled. After we finally finished, we went back to Luke's truck and got our bags. Luke opened the door and inside was so clean and sorted, which was kind of a surprise. Luke and I began to go up some stairs and passed some doors until we reached a door at the end of the hall. Luke opened the door and inside was a very nice master bedroom with an attached master bathroom. He put his bag down on the bed then helped me with mine. Luke opened two drawers, "These are yours for any clothing you want to fold and I have a whole side of the closet I don't use that you can have, even a shelf just for your boots because I know you have a few." Luke said as he kissed the top of my head. "I'm going to do a walk through of the house and something else while you settle in." Luke said as we pecked lips and we went down the halls and went down the stairs and outside. I began to fold my jeans and pajamas and underwear and bras in the two drawers and then I went into his nice walk-in closet to hang up my other clothes and put my boots and other shoes in. I decided to change into a black tank top and took off my boots. I put the bags on top of the closet shelves. Then I had to put my makeup on the open sink and vanity along with my straighter and curling iron. It took me about an hour and a half to get everything settled. By the time I was done, there was no sign of Luke. I went downstairs I saw that his truck was still there. I decided to grab my camo Wrangler hat and my shades and went outside. The sun was starting to set and still no sign of Luke. I decided to walk out back, and there I saw Luke on a four wheeler jumping some dirt hills that it look like he had made. I smiled as he was having a blast. He then drove up to me. "Get on darlin'" Luke said smiling as he threw his helmet on the ground. I got on the back and wrapped my arms around Luke's lower waist. We went onto all of his land, passed some of his cows. I told Luke to stop the four wheeler. I got off and went up to a cow and pet it and kissed it. Luke got off and came behind me. "I didn't know you liked cows." Luke said surprised. I looked back at him, "There's a lot about me you don't know Luke." I said and winked. We got back onto the four wheeler and looked around the rest of his land. There was a  good sized creek in the back. We drove back to the house and went inside. "I'm going to go take a quick shower." Luke said as he kissed the top of my head and ran up the stairs. I waited for him to go into the bathroom, then I realized Luke didn't lock the bathroom door. Now is the time where I should go surprise him. I went into the drawers and put on a black bikini. I put my ear to the bathroom door to see if he was in the shower. I heard the water running and heard his squeezing bottles. I quietly went into the doors. I waited until his back was facing the doors. I slowly and quietly got into the big shower. I started to kiss his back. Luke swung around and his eyes were big. I laughed. Luke turned off the water and wrapped a towl around his waist. "What are you doing Nicole? You scared me!" Luke said as water was dripping down his very attractive body and down to the v-line. I smiled, "I told you that you didn't know me as much as you thought." I said and winked. Luke put his hands on my cheeks and pushed me onto the shower wall and started making out with me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and continued to make out with him. We made out for a good ten minutes when I finally decided I would let him finish his shower. I got out of the shower and dried off. I went into the closet and put on some black shorts that kind of showed my butt and decided to grab one of Luke's t-shirts from his side of the closet. My hair was kind of wet so I decided to put it into a braid. I went on me and Luke's bed and started scrolling through my social media. Then all the sudden I got a text from Nataliee! 

Nat: Hey Nick! How are you? How was your flight?

Nic: Hey! I'm amazing and the flight wasn't bad for my first time in a private jet XD You won't believe what Luke did for me when we arrived at his place!

Nat: What did he do?

Nic: He gave me his old Ford F150 that is blue! It's mine! 

Nat: Damn Luke! Nick you better keep him! you deserve to be happy and the sounds from it Luke will give that to you! 

Nic: I know! I really can't believe he did that and he said there is a lot more surprises and he will be spoiling me.

Nat: You deserve to be loved and spoiled Nicole! But honestly I'm jealous of the truck. Maybe I can hint to Hunter to get me one XD

Nic: XD good luck. Well I got to go, Luke's about to come in. I'll text you tomorrow :) 

Nat: Okay miss you Nick!

Nic: Miss you too Nat!

I put down my phone and watched Luke come out of the bathroom in just a towel. I looked at him and I wished so badly that the towel would just disappear. Luke laughed, "This towel ain't budging darlin'" Luke said as he grabbed some boxers from the top drawer. I pouted. Luke turned around and took off the towel and all I could see was his nice Luke Bryan ass that everybody loved, including me! He put on his boxers then turned around to me looking down and he laughed. "It's all yours darlin." Luke said as he sat next to me on our bed and put his head in my lap. I smiled and played with his brown hair. "I'm so lucky it's all mine." I said as I bent down and pecked Luke on the lips. We got comfy in our bed and cuddled with each other. Luke faced me and just kept studying my face. "What are you doing?" I asked laughing. Luke kind of blushed and let out a little giggle, "I was just memorizing my girlfriends face is all." Luke said as he kissed my nose. I kissed his lips and snuggled with him tight. "Good night Luke." I said as my face touched his bare chest. He kissed the top of my head, "Good night Nicole." Luke said. 

Sorry it's been awhile since an update. I didn't know what to write and I have had a lot of personal things going on! Thanks for supporting my story! It means a lot! 

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