Chapter 14: This Girl

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Hunter's POV:

I woke up and went downstairs and starting to write a note for Nataliee. 

Dear Nataliee, 

I had to do some errands around town and wanted you to sleep in. Get the feel of the house too :) I'm going to be back in and hour or two and then I want to take you somewhere, so where a cute dress :) 

xo Hunter

I go back upstairs quietly to see that Nataliee was still asleep. I put the note on my side of the bed and quietly and quickly got dressed and grabbed my guitar and went out the door. I had to go into town and go to my favorite mini Italian resturant that wouldn't be too crowded for my plan, or I should say Luke's plan. I went in and when the staff saw me they got so excited. I talked to the head person and the head chef of the place. "Hey so I have a favor to ask. I met this amazing girl in Texas on my tour with Luke, she moved back here with me and I want to make her my girlfriend. I was wondering since your food is amazing and the building is small and romantic if I could rent out the back room and have candles lit and rose petals everywhere on the floor. I plan to sing Wanted to her." I said explaining my plan. Of course the staff was totally going to help me and they started to straighten everything together. I went to the back room and helped by getting their candles lit and rose petals on the floor. After about an hour of helping the staff get the place ready, I texted Nataliee and told her I was on my way back to pick her up. I put my guitar somewhere she couldn't see it. 

I got to the house and Nataliee was waiting on the porch in a gorgeous little black dress with white wedges. My jaw dropped and Nataliee blushed and kissed my cheek. I helped her get into my truck and drove her to the little restraunt. "So what's going on Hunter?" Nataliee asked me. I smiled, "If I told you that it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" I said winking at her. Once we arrived to the place, I looked over at Nataliee to see her happy and excited to see the words Italian. I opened the car door for her and helped her down and opened the restraunt door for her. We went inside and there was only one other couple in there. The staff led us to the back room. The server looked at me and did a smirk which I gave one back. I was getting really nervous but I knew I wanted Nataliee to be mine officially. They sat us at the only table in the back room we set up earlier. Nataliee looked around in amazment. "Did you do this Hunter?" Nataliee asked. I blushed and nodded my head. After they served us some water. I got up, "Be right back." I said kissing her on top of her head. This was it. I picked up my guitar and the staff were near by to watch. I walked into the room with my guitar strumming and started to sing Wanted to Nataliee.

You know I'd fall apart without you, 

I don't know how you do what you do,

'Cause everything that you don't make sense about me 

Makes sense about you

Like everything that's green, girl, I need you

But it's more than one and one makes two 

Put aside the math and the logic of it

You gotta know your wanted.

I got on my knees by Nataliee to see her tearing up and smiling. 

"Nataliee, I couldn't believe we met just a few days ago. You in the crowd and me on stage. I won't lie, dating a fan never crossed my mind, but when I saw you, I just knew I wanted you, and you wanted me. I'm happy you came with me back home and here we are. Nataliee your such an amazing, gorgeous, sweet, friendly, crazy, and beautiful woman. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked nervous she would say no. Nataliee took my cheeks in her hand and kissed me, "Yes Hunter! I'll be yours!" Nataliee said hugging me. The staff came into the room cheering and served us our food. After we ate, the staff said the food and everything was on the house. Nataliee and I went back to my place and got ready for bed and watched Netflix until we both passed out in each other's arms. I couldn't believe it, Nataliee was actually mine.

Hey ya'll sorry I have been gone for so long! I have been busy and been trying to think how to continue this story. Luke just released his new album so hopefully I can get ideas from his songs. Also, I'm sorry for this short story, again not a lot to do with Nataliee and Hunter. Yes, I changed the name because I like Nataliee a lot better to be honest. If ya'll have any ideas comment. Thanks again for all the love and votes! I never thought this story would succeed! Also, I posted an update of me on my wall, so go read and comment on that as well! Hope ya'll enjoyed this update. :)

xo Nicole 

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