Chapter 4: The Beginning of Feelings

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Luke's POV

I woke up with a blonde haired beauty in my bed. I smiled and remembered what had happened. I slowly moved my arms from underneath the pillows and slowly away from around her side. I looked at her and just smiled. I took a quick shower then threw on some jeans and a t-shirt. Before I left I decided to write her a note in case she woke up while I was gone. She was still out. I gently kissed her cheek and left her a note. I threw on a shirt and went outside the bus to see Hunter and Nataliee talking and laughing outside his bus. I smiled, I haven't seen Hunter this happy in a long time. Hunter saw me and told Nataliee he'd be right back. "How did it go?" Hunter asked elbowing me softly. I rolled my eyes, "We just ordered a pizza, talked, and cuddled." I said smiling still remembering the night in my mind. Hunter rolled his eyes. "Then what did ya'll do?" I asked looking at him. Hunter laughed, "The same thing." He said kind of quietly under his breath. We both laughed. "Have you heard if there is anything going on for today?" I asked Hunter. Hunter shook his head, "I mean we are finished, but you never know." Hunter said, "Why do you ask?" Hunter asked giving me a look. "I wanted to spend more time with Nicole, but I didn't want to make plans then find out we have something. I'll text my manager and let you know. I'm going to get some breakfast before Nicole wakes up." I said getting into a truck that we got for the time we were in Texas. I drove to Ihop not too far from the venue and got me and Nicole some breakfast to go. Thankfully there wasn't a lot of people there and I was in and out so quickly.


Nicole's POV

I woke up and it took me a while to realize where I was, then I remembered I went to a Luke Bryan concert, got to meet him, hung out with him on his tour bus, came out about my ex, and then fell asleep. I smiled and rolled over to find him gone. In his place I found a note with my name on it.

"Dear Nicole,

I went out for a bit to check on Hunter and Nataliee then get some food. Be back soon.


I smiled. I decided since he wasn't here I would take a quick shower. I was in and out, it was probably the fastest shower I had taken in a while. I threw on my jean shorts from the concert, but decided to keep on his shirt. I threw my hair up in a messy ponytail. Just as I was coming out of the bathroom Luke came in. "Hey darlin' how did you sleep?" Luke asked smiling and hugging me. "I slept really good. Thank you for not trying anything." I said. Luke nodded. "I got us some breakfast if your hungry." Luke said. I nodded my head and followed him out to where we were sitting last night to see that Luke had already set up our breakfast and got us sweet tea to go along with out pancakes and bunches of bacon. We sat down and scarfed down the breakfast. "So what happens now?" I asked not wanting to leave Luke. Luke took a swallow of his sweet tea, "I don't know. What's there to do in Texas?" Luke asked. I smiled, "Well we can go to my place so I can change and then we can figure it out from there." I said taking a sip of my sweet tea. Luke nodded. After we finished cleaning up our breakfast, I told Luke I wanted to go talk to Nataliee. Luke nodded and kissed my head. I went out and walked across from Luke's bus to Hunter's and knocked on the door. Nataliee surprisingly answered. "I was just about to come talk to you." Nataliee said with a smile on her face. She came out of the bus and I told her that me and Luke were going to go to my place then figure something out. "What about we all grab lunch later? All of us?" Nataliee asked. I smiled at the idea, "I'll talk to Luke then text you." I said. Nataliee smiled. Then we both told each other what happened last night. We finally hugged then I went back to Luke's bus to get my boots on and change out of Luke's top and back into the one I was wearing the night before. We got into a bright red Ford pickup truck. Luke drove and I navigated back to my house. It was quite a drive since I lived on the outside of the city. Once we were driving for about an hour, we hit my dirt road and my small little house with a bit of land. Once we pulled up and Luke put the truck in park and just looked at my house. I looked at him and laughed, "What are you looking at Luke?" I asked. Luke looked at me, "You live on a country road? I thought you lived in an apartment." Luke said. I shook my head, "I would never live in a small apartment when I can live on the country skirts of Texas." I said. Luke smiled and opened his door and ran to my side and opened my door, "Thank you so kindly Luke." I said and kissed his nose. I got my keys and opened my door. "You can hang downstairs while I go change." I said. Luke nodded and started looking around.

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