Chapter 11: Rain is a Good Thing

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Luke's POV:

I woke up to the sound of rain hitting the roof and the windows and slight thunder. I looked to my left and saw Nicole still sound asleep and curled up in one of my t-shirts. I don't know how I got so lucky to have found someone at my concert that is so sweet and caring and beautiful. I pressed my body against the back of her's and kissed her neck softly. Nicole slowly opened her eyes and looked around. I could tell for the first few minutes she was confused of where she was. She then rolled over facing me and saw me. She smiled and I smiled back. I kissed her cheek softly then went down and kissed her lips passionately. Her lips felt so amazing pressed against mine. "Good morning gorgeous." I said looking into her beautiful green eyes. Nicole smiled, "Good morning handsome." Nicole said back stretching. After she finished stretching, she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my lips passionately. I put my hands on her hips and shifted her on top of me. We kissed for a good three minutes. After we kissed, Nicole pulled away and looked down at me smiling. I smiled back at her. "What do you want for breakfast darling?"I asked continuing my gaze into her amazing eyes. Nicole went back down and kissed my lips then came back up. "Pancakes and bacon." Nicole said still meeting my gaze. I smiled and kissed her passionately again. I then shifted her on the bottom and put myself on top with on of my arms holding myself up. After I was done I gave her my smile everyone loved and went downstairs to fix us some breakfast. 


Nicole's POV:

After Luke and I got done making out, he finally went downstairs to start some breakfast. I went into the bathroom and got into the bath. I still couldn't believe Luke Bryan was my boyfriend and that I moved with him from Texas all the way to Georgia. I sat in the bath just replaying how me and Luke met and how he was so shy to talk to me at first.I replayed the night he asked me to be his girlfriend and asked me to move with him. All the sudden my phone went off. I got out of the bath and saw that Luke had texted me. 

L: Breakfast will be ready in about ten minutes darlin'.

N: Okay thanks Luke :*

I went into our closet and got on some comfy black shorts and a light blue t-shirt tht said Buck Off in black letters. I redid my braid and then went downstairs to see Luke set the table with two chairs next to each other with a stack of pancakes and two coffee mugs. I smiled and went over to him fixing the bacon and hugged him from behind. Luke spun around and kissed the top of my head. "Ready for some chocolate chip pancakes and regular pancakes and bacon?" Luke asked looking back into my green eyes. Luke pecked my lips and we sat down at the table. We ate the pancakes and bacon and had our coffee. "How did you sleep darlin'?" Luke asked taking a bite of bacon. I covered my mouth since I had chocolate chip pancake in my mouth. "Really good, I tossed and turn at first because I wasn't used to the bed and I think I'm already homesick." I said kind of sad. Luke noticed and took his foot under my chair and scooted it closer to his. Luke put his hand on my knee and looked at me in the eyes, "Home is where the heart is Nicole." Luke said giving me a wink. I blushed and leaned forward and softly kissed Luke's syrup covered lips. Our foreheads touched and we both smiled. "Thank you Luke." I said pulling back and started to finish my breakfast my amazing boyfriend made me. 

After we both finished our breakfast and coffee, we both cleaned the dishes and put them on the side to dry. Luke picked me up and carried me to the sofa. He put me on top of his lap and I put my hands on his bare chest. We once again looked at each other in the eyes and smiled. Luke leaned forward and softly kissed my lips. I put my legs on each side of Luke and my hands on his cheeks. It felt so right having our lips meet each other. "So what's a rainy day with Luke Bryan look like?" I asked kissing his lips until he was ready to answer. It took him a few kisses until he wanted to respond, "I usually watch movies and order pizza and sleep. Does that sound good to you?" Luke asked as he kissed my lips again. I smiled and nodded my head. Luke got up and grabbed a big enough blanket for the both of us to fit under and took the big pillows on the back on the sofa out so we could both fit on the sofa together. Luke threw the blanket on top of me as he got us our second cups of coffee and then set up the TV so we could watch some Netflix. Luke climbed behind me on the sofa then kissed my cheek, "What's a good show or movie?" Luke asked scrolling through his Netflix. "Pretty Little Liars is really good. I haven't finished it yet." I said giggling. Luke laughed, "What's so funny?" Luke asked looking down at me and smiling. I smiled and looked into his eyes, "It's a girly show. You wouldn't enjoy it." I said taking the remote from this hands and kept scrolling. Luke laughed, "I will enjoy anything as long as your here to cuddle and kiss." Luke said as he took back the remote and typed in Pretty Little Liars into the search bar. "What season and what episode?" Luke asked looking down at me. "Start from the beginning. It's really addicting and I could rewatch this show many times." I said getting comfortable on the sofa. Luke pressed play and snuggled up behind me. I couldn't believe Luke wanted to watch a girly show with me, but it was sweet of him and I loved it. I started to doze off since the caffeine from my second cup of coffee was now going away. I soon found myself passed out with Luke's arms around me, I felt safe. 


Luke's POV:

We were watching Nicole's show when I looked down and saw her already passed out. I smiled and kissed the top of her head and paused the show. I just laid there and cuddled her and rubbed her back and kissed the back of her neck. All the sudden, Nicole start to whimper in her sleep. I thought it was just part of a bad dream but she kept on then I saw tears rolling down her face. I jumped over her and started to gently shake her. When that didn't work I pressed my lips on her's which woke her up. She looked at me with her eyes big and tears still rolling down. I looked at her very concerned and not leaving the gaze from her watered green eyes. "Nicole are you okay? You started to whimper in your sleep then I saw tears rolling down you face." I said putting my hand on her left cheek. She didn't say anything and just started crying. I wrapped my arms around her as she was crying. I scooted her over so I could sit at the edge of the sofa and held her as she just cried in my arms. I pulled away and put my hand under her chin and lifted her head up and looked at her with a worried look on my face. "What's wrong Nicole?"  I asked very worried. Nicole tried to stay calm but tears just kept rolling off her face. "I just am home sick. I'm sorry Luke I didn't mean to scare you."Nicole said as the next wave of tears came out. I held her tight and kissed the top of her head again and then I whispered to her, "Your okay Nicole, I was just worried sick about you and why you were crying." I said continuously kissing the top of Nicole's head. After about another five minutes of me just holding her, I pulled her back and looked into her eyes. "Want to watch some more Pretty Little Liars?" I asked giving her a little smile. Nicole nodded and I unpaused Pretty Little Liars. After about nine episodes, we decided to turn off the TV. I ran upstairs and threw on a shirt then came back down and grabbed Nicole by the hand and dragged her out to the barn and and we both jumped onto the four wheeler. It wouldn't be an amazing rainy day if me and Nicole didn't go mudding together. We hit every mud puddle we could find. Then we came across this huge mud puddle. I jumped off and grabbed Nicole by her waist and threw her over my shoulder. Nicole started to kick and hit me in the back. I threw us both into the big mud puddle. I tackled her lightly so I wouldn't hurt her. After a good three minute tackling and me winning of course, I put myself on top of Nicole as we were still laying in the big mud puddle and looked down at her and smiled. We were both covered head to toe in a tons of mud. "What you smiling about?" Nicole asked giggling. I gave her a smirk and kissed her lips passionately, "I'm just so damn lucky to have an amazing girlfriend who isn't afraid to get dirty." I said. Nicole blushed through the mud on her cheeks. I helped her back up and we both got back onto the four wheeler and drove back to the house. We went to the side of the house and hosed off most of the mud. "What about we go shower off together?" I asked giving her a smirk. Nicole looked at me, I knew the look. "Nothing will happen darling but I can't guarantee I won't get excited." I said giggling. Nicole rolled her eyes and we both went upstairs. Before we could get into the shower, I pressed Nicole against the outside of the shower and began making out with her. I slowly started helping her get undressed. Shirt, pants, undies then bra. She then helped me remove my shirt, pants, and then boxers. We looked at each other for a minute then continued to makeout. I pulled away for a bit to start the shower then we went back to making out. I started to get excited, but Nicole didn't seem to really care when I touched her by accident, instead she just smiled. I pushed us gently into the shower as we still continued to makeout. I never thought me and Nicole would get to this point where we would be showering together so soon. But it seemed that we both really enjoyed it. After a good make out session, I helped Nicole wash out all the mud in her hair and let her rinse off first before I got out all the mud in my hair and washed off. I turned off the shower and got out and grabbed us both towels to dry off. Nicole looked at me smiling as I dried off. I smiled back, "What you smiling about?" I asked as I wrapped the towel around my waist and pulling her closer to me. "Just can't believe we already showered together. Naked." Nicole said blushing. I kissed both of her cheeks. "Well yesterday you came in and saw me naked so." I said laughing. Nicole laughed to and then we kissed. We both went into the closet and grabbed our pjs and then went into our bedroom and got dressed. We both crawled into bed and cuddled each other as we faced each other and looking at each other. "Goodnight my love." Nicole said kissing my lips passionately. I smiled, "Good night love." I said back. Then, just like that, we both passed out in each others arms. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed this part I know I did :) 

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