Chapter 16: Hungover in a Hotel Room

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Jon's POV:

There, standing in front of me, was a girl that I ran into last year while I was in Texas. The girl I fell hard for. The girl that I invited to my hotel room while we were both drunk. I put my hand out, Nicole put her's out and I took it and kissed the back of her hand. "Happy to meet the girl that makes my best friend smile like a complete idiot." I grinned trying to hide the fact that I knew her. Nicole smiled an uncomfortable smile. "I'll be right back, I wanna go for a walk before dinner is ready. I won't be far." Nicole said as she kissed Luke on the cheek and looked at me and gave me that uncomfortable smile and walked out the front door and followed a dirt path in Luke's backyard. Luke smiled, "Well dinner will be ready in about 3o minutes. I'm going to get the kitchen cleaned up a bit. If you wanna grab a four wheeler and go check out the property you are welcome to. Maybe we can fish on my property before you leave." Luke said getting the dishes down. I nodded my head, "I'll go zoom on the land quickly." I smiled. I went to the little barn where Luke kept his off-roading vehicles. I jumped onto one of the four wheelers and drove to go find Nicole.

Nicole's POV:

As I was walking on the dirt path, all I could remember was me and Jon meeting last year while he was in Texas. All the sudden I hear a roaring of one of Luke's four wheelers. I turn around and see Jon coming. I took a big sigh and continued to walk. Jon zoomed in front of me and then blocked the path with a four wheeler and got off and stood there. I stopped a few inches in front of him. "You never told me you were buddies with Luke." I said looking at him as I put both of my hands in the back of my jean short pockets. Jon sighed, "We met after you and me met. A few months later I released my first song and I met Luke and Blake. They helped me out and just gave me some tips for my songs. Besides, by the time I met Luke, we were nothing but drunk in a hotel room." Jon said sitting on the four wheeler. I sighed, "Did you tell him?" I asked getting kind of nervous. Jon shook his head. "I don't know how we're supposed to tell him." Jon said looking at me. I took a deep breath, "It's not like we did anything but had a very heated make out session in your hotel room. We passed out in our under garments and I left. Luke and I got a bit farther.." I said as I looked up to see a surprised look on Jon's face. "Ya'll already had sex?" Jon said smirking. I rolled my eyes and smirked a little, "No, we just showered together a few times.." I said looking down at my boots. "Well I think we should tell him. I think he deserves to know. And he needs to know that it happened last year and that it's in both of our pasts." Jon said sighing. I nodded in agreement and started to turn around to walk back to Luke's house. "What are you doing blondie?" Jon asked as he turned on the four wheeler. "Walking back, dinner should be ready soon." I said as I begin to walk backwards. Jon drove beside me and motioned me to get on the back. I got on the back of the four wheeler and we went back to the house with Jon.

We made it back to the house. Jon and I looked at each other and nod our heads. "Luke..." I said to him as my heart was racing in my chest. Luke turned around and smiled and kissed my forehead, "Hey ya'll dinner is almost ready!" Luke said getting the food flipped for the last time. "Luke there's something we need to tell you." I said as I began to have a mini panic attack. Luke turned around and smiled, "What's up?" Luke asked as he turned off the grill. I looked at Jon and nodded. "So Nicole and I have already met." Jon said putting his hands in his front pockets of his jeans. Luke looked at me confused, then Jon. Jon took a deep breath, "Last year I was in Texas trying to figure out things for my music. I met Nicole at a food place. We both got drunk and we went back to my hotel. Nothing happened except for a drunk makeout session." Jon said sweating. Luke looked at me still kind of lost. I took his hand in mine, "I promise Luke nothing happened between me and Jon and whatever happened last summer isn't anything. I am with you." I said still worried he would be upset. Luke looked at me and pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. He took a deep breath, "Thank ya'll for telling me." Luke said as he looked at me and then Jon. Luke got the food off the grill and put it on a plate. "Well dinner is ready! Let's eat!" Luke said as he walked inside. Jon and I looked at each other and smiled.

Hey ya'll, I hope you like this chapter. I'm nervous but also excited for what's to come. I've never done twists before in fanfics and I got so many positive feed back from ya'll and friends so I'm going to continue! Thank ya'll so much for supporting this story!

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