The Party

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   When we stopped at a door, we could hear loud music on the other side. There was a note that said 'COME IN', so we did. We opened the door and walked right in, and it was awesome! There were highschoolers, and college kids, all at one party! There was loud music, dancing, food and drinks, and people everywhere! I just wanted to run onto the 'dance floor' and start dancing, I felt like I could do anything! I took Marshall's hand, and I ran to dance floor. He sort of followed along with it, and we started dancing.

   I'm not sure what song was playing, but I liked it. Marshall and I danced and danced, we would dance right by eachother, and soon, Evelyn, Valerie, Kendall, and Nick all joined us on the dance floor. It was the most fun I'd had in my whole life!

   After I got tired of dancing, I went over to the table covered in food and drinks. I looked at the table, what to eat? There were chips, hot dogs, hamburgers, and other stuff. Then a guy walked to the table next to me, I looked over at him, just out of curiosity. Then he looked back at me, and he was so cute! He had flaming orange hair(flaming orange the color, u donk), and brown eyes. His face was covered in freckles, and it was so cute!

   "Hi, I'm Peter, and you are?" He smiled at me, oh my glob, his smile was so, hypnotizing. Wait what? What the hell am I saying? I have Marshall, and, uh, what was I thinking about? I was mesmerized by smiles from two different people, and those two people were Marshall and Peter.

   "Hi, I'm Fionna," I said smiling back. He smiled once more, making my insides melt.

   "Well, what grade are you?"

   "Oh, I'm a freshman in highschool," I told him proudly.

   "Oh, I'm a sophomore, in highschool," Peter rubbed the back of his neck as he said this. "well, see ya around Fionna," He waved bye, and left.

   Then I went to tell Evelyn about Peter, and I couldn't find her anywhere. I went into the hallway and started to peek into the three rooms. I looked into the closest one first. I opened the door, no one. I opened the second door, and there were two people making out on a bed! I quickly closed the door before they could see me. Right after I closed the door, I let out a sigh of relief. I hesitated reaching for the door knob of the third door, then I just stuck my ear to the door, and listened. I didn't hear anything, luckily.

   I turned back around, and there stood a stranger, just staring at me. He stood there for a second, then moved in closer to me. I backed up as he kept moving closer and closer. Soon I had no more space behind me, and I hit the wall. I felt very scared at that moment. When the stranger finally reached me, he grabbed my arm and put his other hand on my, boobs. Then he smashed his lips on mine and I tried to scream, but he tightened his grip on my arm, and kissed me even rougher, like he wanted more from me that I didn't want to give, but he tried to take. I finally got so angry, that I punched him in the face with my free arm. He stumbled back, never loosening his grip. Then I screamed for help,

   "Help! Someone please, help me!" He released his grip on my arm, and then he grabbed the side of my head and once again he smashed his face against mine. I struggled trying to get away, but then he stopped, and I saw someone pull him off of me. My savior pulled the stranger around to look at him, he was grabbing him by his thick curls, and then he punched him square in the face! My savior must have hit him really hard because the stranger fell to the floor. He got really mad, and so he got back up and started throwing his fist in the direction of my savior. Savior dodged the attack and punched him again, but this time in the gut! He bent down and grabbed his stomach in pain. He fell on the ground and then he looked up at the savior. Savior thrusted his chest as if to indicate more fighting. The stranger flinched, and then got up and ran away into the crowd of partiers. Savior looked over to me,

   "Are you okay Fi?" Oh my glob! That was Marshall?! Holy shit!

   "Marshall?!" I said surprised, yet relieved and happy to see him. I ran to him, and hugged him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged back,

   "Good," I snuggled my head into his chest, and he laid his chin on the top of my head. I love to hug Marshall, I feel safe and, at home. I hope he feels somewhat same.

   "Why don't we leave," he suggested looking at the people around us. Some were staring, probably because Marshall just punched some guy in the face.

   "Yeah, let's go," I said, so we just walked out and down to my dorm.

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