Chapter 11

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💪Khalil P.O.V💪

We was all at jhene house havin a fire ass time! The party was A1!! Football season was over so i aint got practice that much, i juss gotta hit the Gym tomorrow but, it feels good to finally enjoy a party! Usually Amina gets mad at me for being gone all the time so... i put it DOWN on her last night to let her know im here to stay.... i know she was frontin about her not being in pain because while she was sleep she was moanin in pain n wanted me to give her massage... hahahaha but enough about that, imma be honest, i saw what happened between Millz and her and i aint trippin off her n Millz bein friends ya kno juss dont try kno funny shit n imma let her kno tomorrow but i luhh my baby girl for bein faithful while im not around.... i appreciate it alot...

Me: ~smokin hookah with the guys~
August:~inhales and passes it to me~
Me:~inhales and blows smoke through my nose~
Karmaah:~runs over to August and sits on his lap~ what kind is that baby?
August:watermelon babe....
Karmaah:hmm ~makes a jesture for me to pass it to her~
Me:~passes it to her~
Karmaah:~inhales really slow then looks at august and kisses him n blows it in his mouth~
Me:~laughs n rubs face~
Amina:~comes and sits on my lap facing me/straddling me~
Me:~puts my hand on her waist~ wassup bae?
Amina: nothing.... juss missed you...
Me:~chuckles~ alright....
Amina:~gives me a hickey~
Me:~looks over at August~
August:~getting a hickey from Karmaah~
Me:~grips Mina's butt~ damn gurrl whatchu doin to me right now?
Mina:~sits back and looks at me~ thanking u for staying... not leaving for the season...
Me:you know i'd do anything to stay with you baby girl... i love you babe!
Mina: i love you too daddy.... im tired let's go home....
Me: can i have some of that purse?
Mina:~giggles then stands up~ maybe, im thinkin about it.... ~grabs my hand~
Me:~gets up from chair~ ightt, goodnight fam!
Everybody: BYE KC!! BYE AMINA!
Amina: bye guys!

So we grab our bags n stuff and leave. i decided i wanted to deive home so i was driving when i looked over at Mina staring out the window, i wonder what she thinkin bout...

Me: what chu thinkin bout baby girl?
Mina:~looks at me n smiles~ nothing waiting until we get home to get somee! but imma be honest.... i think i got cramps...

Damn... 😒

Me:damn.... i thought that was last week?
Mina:yeah if your thinkin of last month hahaha
Me: yeah well dont take any chances we'll see when we get home...

So we get home and turns out her friend was coming over...😒! She had me all turnt up at the party thinkin i was gettin some den she gone come wit dis shit.... i always tell her dont start something she cant finish but noooo she dont wanna listen to me... i was lowball irritated from the situation....

Mina:~climbs in bed next to me~ Baby im sorry.... i can't control this shit...
Me:It's koo Mina no worries...
Me: and what's that supposed to mean Khalil!!??!!

Here she go woth this PMS shit again 😫

Me:~turns and faces her~ Mina calm down, i juss said it's kool baby i still love you regardless of that nasty ass shit that happens to you ~chuckles~
Mina:~looks at me for a second then smiles~ see daddy dats why i wanted to stick with you throught all that football traveling shit...
Me:~laughs~ thats fine with me im glad you stayed with me...
Mina:~chuckles and closes eyes~ yeah i guess...
Me:~scoots her near me and wraps arms around her~
Mina:~wraps arms and legs around me~
Me:~kissed her forehead~ goodnight baby girl
Mina:~smiles~goodnight daddy

with that we fell asleep...

👄💨Karmaah P.o.V👄💨

i woke up the next day and was caught in August's strong ass hands.He had one on my back and the other on my ass. I moved my leg off of his real slow and try to move out of his grip but the only thing he did was grip tighter

August:~mumbles~ where you goin?
Me: tryna get out dis bed..
August:naww stay...
Me:~trys to move again~
August:~grips my ass and scoots me closer to him~
Me:~moans in pain~😫 August!!!
August:~chuckles a little~ see baby you like dis shit....
Me:no i don't now get off me befo i piss on myself!
August: you can pee right here i wont say nothin i might call you pissy but ya kno
Me:~laughs in pain~ BABBBYY IM SERIOUS!!
August:~laughs~ alright alright ~lets me go~

i slip out of bed and go use the bathroom. The truth was i needed to get dressed to go to the trap. Jhene said she wasnt goin wit me last night... she said most likely she gone have a hang over. i went back in the room and saw August sitting at the edge of the bed rubbing his face and hair.

Me:Whats wrong baby?
August: ~looks up at me~ nothin juss didnt wanna wake up... DAMN! you went to sleep in that?
Me:in what? always sleep in this ~laughs~

All i had on was a bra and my boyshorts.😏 he's so dramatic!

August: you do not always sleep in that...~laughs~
Me:yess i doooo!! ~laughs~
Me:~walks over to him and stands in front of him~ what you dont like it or something?
August:~looks up out me~ actually, i love it! i wish you could wgere dis all day at home, cooking, cleanin, watchin t.v. whenever i can see you like this...
Me:~smiles and rubs my fingers through his hair~

I walked away from him toward the bathroom unclamping my bra. I felt his eyes burn a whole through my ass. I went in the bathroom and turned the shower on and sure enough there goes August standing in the doorway. He finallu walked up to me and stood in front of me. He got undressed and we got in the shower. Nothing went down i juss stared at him the whole time n he stared at me. He smiled and i juss stared at his straight teeth and his beautiful complection. I wasn't paying attention for so long i didn't even realize he was singing to me. As usual he was singing Ghetto to me. Is always says he dedicated that song to me. So sweet!! i decided to snap out of my trans and did my hygienes and got out n wrapped the towel around me. i wanted to wear something simple but it was hot outside so i went to my closet and picked out my blue washed high waisted jean shorts, a white top with frills on them and my blue low top converse. i went and layed the outfit out on my bed and dried my hair with my towel. I look at Aughst who was in a towel too n he had his outfit next to mine. He had a Hutson shirt that was gold, green, and brown, some blue acid washed jeans, a white, blue, and orange Pink+ Dolphin snapback and some orange high top converse. He looked at me n i looked at him... then he ran to me and tackled me on the bed!

August: shhh baby im sleep...~pretends to fall asleep~
Me:baee get up i gotta be somewhere n you laying on me like this is VERY tempting for me to start something i dont have time to finish!
August:~looks up at me~ you wanna start sumn?
Me: baby i cant i have to go somewhere....

oh shit....

Me:Uhhhh... me n Jhene gotta... go to the mall...
August: ~looks at me with a suspicious look~
Me: what nigga?
August: nun.... ~puts hand up my towel and plays with my kitty~
Me:~moans~ august stop..
August:do you really want me to stop?
Me:~moans~ no... but... ~takes his hand out and flips over ontop of him and holds his hands down~
August: see is that place so important now....
Me:~kisses him for a minute or too then breaks kiss~ wait til i get back daddy....

i get off of him n go in the bathroom and plug up the flatiron. I did my hair and makeup and walked out and saw Agust fully dressed about to walk out of the room.

Me:Daddy A where are you going lookin like that?
August:~laughs~ im finna go to Five Guys you want sumn to eat?
Me: yes please, the usual...

i walk over to him n guve him a quick peck on the lips and closed the door. I got dressed and went downstairs. I smelled food so i went in the kitchen and saw Agust bending over in the fridge singing.

Me: babe....
August: ~lifts up~ oh shit! hey baby...
Me~laughs~ what are you doing?
August: looking for what chu gone cook for dinner for me tonight....
Me:~laughs~ ohhhh kay.... where's my food?
August: on the counter... ~closes the fridge~
Me:~walks over to the counter~ thank you babe.

i went to the living room and sat on the couch and turned on the t.v. I was eating my food when August came back in the livong room and plopped on the couch drinking his drink. So i grabbed my phone and took a picture of him because he looked soooo gorgeous.

August: did you juss take a picture of me?
Me: yeah... wha i cant take a picture of u now?
August: ~chuckles~ naw im juss sayin...
Me: i guess...

I finish eating and get up and start getting ready to leave. i come back downstairs and give August a kiss and grab my phone. I went to my key hook and decided i wanted to drive the Lambo. i grabbed the key with the keychain of a black lambo on it and walk outside. i look and see that Jhene's car is gone. with all my based covered i leave and arrive at the trap house in under 20 minutes. i walk in and see my girls doing thier thing. i go in my office and sit down when i got a knock at the door.

Me: Come in!
??: wassup love?
Me: Hey honey wassup?

Honey is my main chick! she been my main since day one! i cant imagine her with anyone else. we start talking about the new shit goin down then she gets a text on her phone and has to go.

Me: ightt honey stay sweet luhhv
Honey: ~laughs~ you kno i will..
Me: ~laughs~

i sit for awhile and decided to take a quick nap.

🎶August P.O.V🎶

When Karmaah left i watched her as she drove out the driveway and i grabbed the keys to the black Range Rover and hopped in and drove out. Im VERY sure i was already late for this meeting with my new employee. i got to the trap and walked in and saw this beautiful girl with long hair, hazel eyes, and an A1 body! i was think this was my employee so i walked up to her.

August: wassup im killa can i help u with somethin lil mama...
??: yea you can help me figure out why you were late for this meeting! you were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago....
Me: ma bad mah you got my undivded attention step into my office.

I lead her into my office n i sit on the biggest chair n she sits on the table by me.

Me: so whats ya name mah?
??: ~smiles at me~ they call me Honey....
Me: honey hunh? thats a name thatll stick with me.








{{Thank you for reading! i try n update everyday on my school's wifi lol!! ✌️❤️ & 💔 }}

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