Awkward and Heartbreaking Scenarios: Ash P.O.V

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Run from everything

That's what he had done when he was framed.


Hide while you still can.

What he did on one of the deadliest mountains on this planet.



And never give up until the end.

He has lived by these rules for many years.

Right now he's doing (or thinks he's doing) two of them right now. Survive and Run.

He burst through the bushes that were in his way, he couldn't take seeing them again, especially one right up to his face. It hurt.

Hurt to see the faces he thought he could trust.

Hurt to be betrayed by that very trust.

Hurt to be lost and (almost) alone in his exile.

Ignoring Pikachu's screams from running really fast, he went to his secret base, which was up high in a really tall tree. (ORAS BABYYY)

He finally stopped, but he stopped so ubrupyly while running fast (GOTTA GO FAST). Pikachu accidently flew off his shoulder and in to the tree. Rubbing his sore head.

"Sorry Pikachu, have a Sitrus Berry." He tossed one to the mouse, and he caught it and munched in to the juicy, delicious fruit. (I think).

Pikachu, after finishing the tasty snack, decided it could forgive Ash and hopped right back on his shoulder, to which Ash took as a sign to begin climbing the tree.

Once he reached the top, he immediately found his Noivern approaching him from inside the tree, surprisingly large enough to fit over 15 Pokemon inside it with enough room to spare. Noivern was acting as a guard while Ash was away and once seeing his trainer, went back inside. Knowing that it was safe from any immediate danger.

The treehouse was by far one of the biggest secret bases Ash had ever seen, it had everything to accommodate for, TV? Done, Computer? Done, Massive King-Sized bed? Done. Even had seperate mattresses for each of his giant Pokemon.

He lied on his bed. Meeting his former friends was a bit too much, he was still salty after the betrayal. Who would turn their backs on their friends when they know he wouldn't even be capable of doing so? Plus, let's say he did do it, why would he leave it in the locker? The whole thing was not planned out properly and the officers still tried to arrest him. Shows how incompetent the Jenny's are. All this time ASH was the one who:
Stopped crime syndicates,
Saved the world,
Solved crimes,
Met legendaries.

The officers really suck, don't they?

Ash has done more when he was 10!

Anyway, meeting Serena, Ahem...


Sure it was nice to see her but(t)...

She was with the traitors soooooo.

It not like he felt anything for her anyway, he was VERY aware of her crush on him back in Kalos. He just acted dense because, well.

He didn't know how to handle that situation.

He literally ignored every move Serena went for because he didn't know how to react. Ash is a douche too hah.

Ah well, all in the past.

Now it's just time to wait.

And win this tournament once and for all!

(Edit) Wow, just realised the chapter did not make sense,
Ah well.
Let's just say Ash is not in his right mind.

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