Ash vs Barry (before the match)

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"Damn you Charles you little son of a bi-" Ash got smacked in the face by Pikachu. Pikachu then said,

"We have readers, idiot!"

"What the hell are you talking abou-"


Suddenly, the same weird looking dude came out of nowhere, with no change to his attire whatsoever and his yellow hair once again pointing everywhere.



A twin of the guy that just came in came rushing in with another blue aura sphere looking like thing, Ash once again had no time because of his suprise to put up an aura barrier and got hit in the face. Once he cleared all of the dust from of his face, he grabbed the hilt of his sword and was about to give him a piece of his mind, but when he could see again he was gone.


Meanwhile, with Barry
"Why meeeeeeee"

He was not happy to be doing this, if he won, he would have to face a champion, if he didn't he would get humiliated.

This was not his day.

Back to Ash
Once Ash had calmed down considerably, (enough for Pikachu not to break the fourth wall again, speaking of which, I need to give him a talking to...), he was still kinda agitated but controlled it, harnessing his aura and spreading it outward, and then compressing it back in again. This was sort of the aura users version of breathing in and out.

"Your preperation time is over, please start to make your way to the stadium." Said the security guard at the front of the door, he had dark charcoal hair with brown eyes and he had a face which said 'I'm a war veteran, fight me at your own risk'.

The aura adept took the mans advice and exited the room, feeling dread as he walked down the path to the stadium.

Barry meanwhile was pretty much about to have a heart attack. Even if he wins he would be facing Lance, LANCE. THE FAMED DRAGON MASTER OF THE WORLD. He walked down the path that was starting to become shorter and became lighter.

A look of resolve crossed his face, even if he loses, he wouldn't go down without a challenge. He will show people that he is strong.

Especially Ash.

Barry always admired Ash, he was one of the strongest people he faced.

The guy even befriended Legendaries like they were his friends the whole time.

All this time, even after he voted against Ash when the news report came along. He knew it was a plot.

He knew it was the entire time, no fool would believe that the gold-hearted lovable trainer would cheat. In fact, if Ash had to choose to either cheat or die, he'd probably die.

And then revive cause Darkrai is pretty much not gonna let him.

But he went against Ash.

Why? Why would he betray such an innocent person?

Funny really, he did it out of jealousy.

Jealous of his power,

Jealous of how close he was to his Pokemon,

Jealous of all the adventures he has with Legendaries,

Jealous of his ability to make friends with anyone and anything he meets,

Jealous that he was special.

And jealous because...

Barry wasn't like him.

Barry would drive people away with his hot temper,

Pokemon would treat him as a plague with his absolutely crazy attitude.

The only times he had even met a Legendary was because of Ash.

He wasn't powerful enough and Ash always saved everyone's bacon.

He wasn't special.

He was mearly Barry, son of a lower Sinnoh branch frontier brain that barely has any challengers. Sure that may be more than most but...

He had to win this.

He has to give all he's got.

At least to give this random guy a fight worth fighting for.

To show that he is not normal, but a force to be reckoned with.

He will be Barry.

Meanwhile, with Cilan, Max, Gary and Leaf.

"I can't believe our car broke down in the middle of the road."

"Suck it up Max! We're pushing too y'know!"

"Oh come on, I'm the youngest here!" The now 13 year old Max exclaimed.

"Well if your gonna pull that card, how about that I'm the lady here, Max?" Leaf questioned the 3 year Pokemon trainer.

"Now now, let's all calm down here-"

"Cilan, your the one sitting in the car while we push, you have no right to silence us!" Everyone but Cilan was notably sweating, normal when your pushing a car in an over 30 degree (in celsius) temperature.

"How about we rest for the day, like at that garage?" Cilan suggested.

It was a obvious choice, really.

A few hours later.

"Thats it!"

"What's it?" Max asked.

"I've come up with a new recipeeh!"

Everyone groaned.

"Damn it Cilan, I don't know how you make up a new recipe from eating goddamn burgers and fries from the local restaurant." Everyone should be used to this by now, but it's too much of a meme to not cringe at.

"We should have never shown Ignis from Final Fantasy XV to him."

Now, I haven't uploaded...

I don't have an excuse.

Yeah, Barry went deep.

Sorry if I kinda switched over from a serious scene to a playful one quickly.

I know FFXV came out 6 months ago, but I only got it like a week ago.

And I already beat the game.
In 6 days.

Ignis was such a great character to me.


I hope you liked the chapter.

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