Chapter 4

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An:  finally!!! A chapter with the reader in it!! It's bout time honestly -_-
I know I've been slow with updating and such, but I have  night school shit to deal with, along with helping my mom around the house.
But that's not what you guys came here for :P
Please, enjoy~~

Day Three...Begin
[Death#107: Gutted and Disembowelment]

>|Ÿėš| |XXX|

August 15, 2XXX

Squirming in place as she stared up at the horrifying figure, she held the scream that still lingered in the back of her throat, why?
Why the hell was this happening!?
Just who the hell was this fucking skeleton? And why was he doing such horrid things to you?
From gutting and disemboweling you, to slicing open your delicate skin to watch you bleed, it made you so so very sick to your stomach.
It clenched and swirled around whatever little content of food was left..
She needed to wake up.
Wake up..
Wake up..
C'mon damn it!!

She awoke finally with a start, the same pained scream still clinging to her lips as she sat there, sweating profusely as she held her arms close to her chest..Who was this man-no..skeleton? Why did they apparently know one another each time she had a nightmare.. Why did he kill her each time!? With that same..menacing flashing blue eye. She could feel the bile rising in her throat from the images flashing behind her eyelids. She leaned over to grab the trash bucket and emptied the remaining food in her stomach, it was red again..did she seriously have internal bleeding this time around..
Those nightmares always feel so real, so lively and detailed. Like it was a memory of a past life.. She felt at her gut to check for injuries or any pain but felt nothing externally, only the Only the slight pain from her being disemboweled lingered.
She placed the bucket on the floor, wiping her mouth with a tired sigh..
Fifth time this week. At least she hadn't woken up screaming.
She sat there going over her nightmare once again, she had gotten done killing off the last monster before continuing her quest..but she always felt like it wasn't her..but something else.
As she kept trying rationalize and think of logical responses..she could only cry, weep disgustingly into her hands as she brought her knees up to her chest. Telling herself over and over again that those dreams meant nothing, monsters didn't exist..that skeleton. That eye. They were just..just..
A dream right?

A whimper escaped her lips as she felt the reminding fading pain in gut telling her otherwise making her cringe.

It didn't help that she lived near a mountain where kids go and disappear either. A famous legend about monsters and humans being at war, but humans eventually winning and sealing the monsters underground because they feared the magic they withheld. She constantly told herself over and over again that it was a stupid legend and myth..till children around ten, maybe even older and younger started disappearing after being seen going up the mountain. That's when the nightmares started, and her- herself being a small child always cried and ran to her parents, but now she's learned to conceal it all..with laughs and smiles. Just like that skeleton in her dream always did.

She needed to stop thinking about'd only lead to more trouble if she let her mind dwell on it anymore.

She sighed, pushing her hair from her eyes as she glanced at the clock, was it really only 3 a.m? She narrowed her eyes at the damned thing before swinging her legs over her bed and walking to her bathroom. Might as well get ready for the kid she was babysitting today, it was a quiet kid too, one who preferred to use ASL to communicate rather than talk, which she had learned in her two years of college before she dropped out. She was only 20 and had tons of bullshit ahead of her so couldn't care less..but was glad to learn ASL while there..or boy would she have some difficultly knowing what the kid was saying.

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