Chapter 15

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You opened your eyes to the blank space around you. 
What WAS this place?
Where were you..?

*You try to recall what happened..

You hummed out softly to yourself. You had no idea why you were here..
You couldn't remember.
Shaking your head, you shoved your hands into your pockets and began walking around the empty space.
No wind.
No shadows..
Just white space..
*You open your mouth to speak. But nothing escapes..
*Just static.
You slapped a hand over your mouth, what the hell was that..?
"You can't speak. Your voice won't be heard."
You recognized that voice..
You spun around to look at none other than yourself.

You couldn't see it all clearly. But you were remembering things in bits and pieces.
You did remember dying. And it pissed you off..
That guy. No skeleton. Watched you die...
He didn't help.
You could feel your rage building by the second.
"Are you ready this time..? Are you ready to come back..?" They asked tilting their head at your shaking form.
*Come back..? To where? Where am I? What am I? Who are you and why do you look like ME?
So many questions you fired at them. You were just scared, confused even. All you could remember was dying! Who wouldn't be afraid? You couldn't hear your own voice either. You wondered if they were even able to hear you. It made your chest ache..
"Sit down with me. I promise to explain everything to you."
Hesitantly, you gave your other a stern look before sitting on the floor below you.
You did want answers after all. Or else someone would have to pay. And it'd be this strange doppelgänger or the asshole skeleton who watched you die.
"I trust you only remember dying..Right..?"
You only nodded to their words as they sat down in front of you.
"Listen to me..I'm going to show you something alright? Please. Don't freak out like last time."
*Last time? You echoed softly, eyes narrowing. They only nodded. Soft winding could be heard in the back of your head. It got louder and louder till a startling tolling noise made it's way to your ears.
It was almost like a incisive alarm clock.
If an alarm clock had bells..
You growled softly as you held your head..
It was making your head ring. It was so loud..
You shut your eyes tightly, only to have your hands gently grabbed by your other and held in their own.
"Don't close your eyes.."
You could only nod as you seen a screen appear behind them. Wait..
When did that Tv get there..?

Tick tick tick tick tick tick

When did that clock start ticking?

Tick tick tick tick tick tick

You could see yourself on this screen..
You looked so lost as you looked around yourself in the empty space.
"Close your eyes.."
And you did..
The memories played on in your head.

Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock

Your eyes fluttered open. You were sitting on the floor, Ink and Error standing above you.
Ink looked encouraging while Error looked annoyed.
Nothing new..
"C'mon. It should be easy." Error grumbled crossing his arms.
Ink only summoned another small blob of paint in front of you with a sigh.
"Be patient Error. They're only learning." Ink gave you a gentle smile as the blob of paint floated down in front if you. Error only scoffed and summed the blue strings to wrap around your wrists and pick you up. A few more hovered around.
"Again kid." He ordered, sockets staring down at you unforgivingly.
"Error.." Ink gave you a sympathetic look as he stood there.
The strings that held your wrists and disappeared as the rest of them still stayed above you.
"I hate you.." You hiccuped, tears stinging at your eyes.
"Hate me?" A dark chuckle followed his question as you dodged the first string effortlessly.
The second one went for your legs, you jumped over them before reaching out for the paint ball.
"C'mon buddy. Just like we practiced." Ink's encouragement only served to make that small spark of determination within you grow stronger as you clapped your hands around the ball, breaking it to pieces and splattering it all over your face.
"Again." Error said
You only scoffed as another ball was summoned a few feet away.
Wiping your face you went charging forth.
"What are you going to do without us kid? Without the training you're useless."
His words stung. Like hell too. There was no way you weren't giving up though.
"Shuddup!" You growled throwing him a glare. His yellowed teeth on hitched up into a grin that made you shiver.
"You know it's true..That black spot in your Soul is growing too. You hate me that much?"
You jumped over another thin string, your resolve only growing stronger as you sought to end this session once for all.
You hated him alright. He was so cold towards you whenever Ink brought you here for training. You didn't know why, and you certainly weren't going to find out. You were only ten after all. And already you knew you weren't cut from the same cloth as other kids..
Error made sure you knew this..
So with tears blurring your vision slightly, you jumped and dodged your way to the next ball of paint.
Determination and hatred fueling you.
"You're a useless child. You know that?"
You stopped mid sprint when you heard those words, your heart stuttering in your chest.
You hated him..
Just like how you hated your adoptive parents.
Everyone always looked down upon you. Like you had some sort of destiny to fulfill. A destiny you didn't even know about.
A string wrapped around your ankle and tripped you, your body landed on the cold unforgiving ground below you.
Oh gods was that a crack you heard?
A wail left your lips as you cradled your broken wrist close to your chest as you rolled on your side.
"That's enough Error!" You never heard Ink so angry before, it scared you more than anything. But you couldn't do a thing with a broken wrist and sprang ankle. So you laid there, crying softly to yourself.
Ink cradled you in his lap as gently as he could.
"Get it out my sight now..."
That's what you were to Error. No matter how much you tried. You were always a failure to him.
You wanted to prove him wrong..

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