Ch. 6

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Why did I do that? Now, he's going to be wondering, he's been staring at me all day. Maybe, he, no. Cass, calm down he couldn't know, I took a deep breath. So stupid.

"Oof," I ran into something making me fall flat on my butt. I groaned, irritated.

"I'm so sorry!" He leaned down to help me up, and held out his hand, I grabbed it and pulled myself up.

"Thank you, and sorry. I wasn't paying attention." I shook my head smiling and looked up.

He smiled and replied, "No problem."

"So, are you going home?" He ran his hand through his hair for the fifth time. I smiled at that.

"Yes, I am." I smiled.

"Would you like a ride..?", he smiled hopefully.

I shrugged. Why not right..? "Sure."


Sitting in his car, was a bit awkward. The silence consumed us as he pulled out of the parking lot and down the road. The silence consumed us the couple blocks, making it even more awkward.

Then finally he pulled up into his driveway after what seemed like light years of silence. I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door when the car came to a complete stop, I slid out and leaned down, "Thanks Blake. For the ride." I stated. I shut the door, and turned around clutching the strap of my bag.

"Hey, Cassandra!", He called after me.

"Yeah, Blake?" I stopped and turned my slighly over my shoulder.

"Want to go out sometime?" He bent his arm behind his head nervously scratching his neck. "Er, I mean. I could use a tutor, not like it's a date or something..Oh, you know! For history." He spat out the last parts. He was blushing as if scolding himself for his reaction.

I laughed silently to myself.

"Uhm, yeah. Sure. As long as it's not a date." I threw out my arm in annoyance as my bag strap slipped down. I turned my back and took a step forward only to hear this,

"Yes! Yes!"  I heard him cheering softly to himself.

Stopping in my tracks I turned me around facing him amusement splashed across my face. "What?" I laughed while saying it.

He stopped completely, "What? Oh, nothing! Nothing-" he trailed off, again nervously scratching his neck. I smiled, and in response waved goodbye and started for the door. Opening the door smiling, not to find my loving happy grandparents, but to find a couple who had their arms across their chest and very upset faces.

"Great.." I huffed a sigh and closed the door behind me ready for the huge talk.


Blakes POV;

She said yes! Well, sure...and, if it's not a date. But, still! Cheering silently to myself, i opened the front door to find all the lights off. Strange, mom's usually home by now. "Kylee?" I yelled upstairs, and she delightfully stuck her head out behind the wall, and said cheerfully,

"Yeah?!" her brunette hair shined.

"Where's mom?" I frowned.

"She went grocery shopping told me to tell you she'll be out late." she shined a bright smile.

"Oh, alright. When she gets back tell her I went out with Ryan."

"Alright." She smiled then trotted back upstairs.


It was now 8:30, I went into the back woods meeting Ryan, Liam, Frank, Ned, and Paul.

"So, you ready?" Ryan smirked to the pack. In response they all said,

"We were born ready."

I smiled, at the sight of the pack as I walked up to them. "My crew!" I shout out to them.

"Blake!" They howled.

"How've you been ? Long time no see." Ned said coming up behind Paul to give me his famous bump it handshake, ending with a chest and shoulder bump.

 Then I walked over to Paul and greeted him, he's the quiet one. 

"Sup' man. Haven't seen you in ages. How's the mom?" He said softly. 

"She's doing good, still hard for her that I took my fathers place. It's hard for all of us. But, I think she's seeing people again." I shrugged. I'm happy for her, she needs to get out of the house more often.

Greeting the rest of the pack, I smirked and said, "This is our annual run, where we all get togetherafter long years, and let our wolves out. Who's ready!?" I raised my voice at the last part.

They all howled in response, smirking again I replied with, "Let's do this. May the best ma-wolf," I corrected myself smiling again. "Win."

"I hope you're ready to get your ass kicked Mr. Alpha." Ryan said beside me smiling.

"In your dreams Coffman." I readied my stance.

"Then you better get going." He swung his arms forward leaping into the air quickly transforming into his big gray coated wolf form. Leading, everyone into jumping their wolf form, my turn. I smiled throwing my arms into the air in front of me, and landing on all fours onto the forrest floor, and started  zooming by trees. Haven't felt this alive and free in awhile..

Paul, and Ryan shortly behind my tail I heard his voice, "Come on,  Alpha you can go faster." Ryan.

My wolf laughed, "Come on Ula-" my wolf said to Ryans wolf. "You can go faster. "

"In your dreams, Aatu." He replied briskly. Our wolves having a conversation, I picked up my speed again, zooming past him in delight.

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