Ch. 10

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I jumped out of bed early this morning, didn't get a lot of sleep, because I was up thinking about mine and Blake's conversation a couple nights ago, I couldn't help but, feel as if we were being watched that one night. I shrugged it off though, could've been anything , a rabbit, a deer. It's been four days since that night and, the feeling still stuck even if I pushed it away. I stood in front of the full body mirror on my door and, watched myself as I slid my hair into a long pony tail, changed into a pair of light blue aeropostale jeans. Me and Blake had plans today for his 'tutoring' but, he wouldn't tell me what's up.

My phone vibrated once, and I walked over to my night stand slid my thumb across to the lock on my screen to unlock it.

'Message Recieved from: Blake!'

'Hey, you ready for today?! :)'

'Of course, but what's up? You still haven;t told me.'

'Go to find out!' didn;t even take him a couple minutes to reply, I laughed, and smiled. I liked that about him. he seems to never get bored with me.

'Fine. Whatever-_-.'

'Hahaha, be happy. You'll like it. OH, make sure to bring a swim suit.'

I frowned at that confused, I replied with; 'So this involves water?' Great, I hate water..

'Yeah, you can put it that way. Just be ready by 11:45!' I looked at the clock on my phone, 10:16. Eh, I got time.

'Alrighty, I'll be ready. But, I'm going to take a little run.'

'A run!? Sweet, can I come. Haven't been running in weeks and my wolf could freaking use one.'

'Sure! Why not. Be out in 5. :)'


I didn't reply, but instead threw my phone on my bed, stripped off my jeans and shirt threw on sweat capris and a gray tank top, and slid on my white Nikes tightened my pony tail, and when downstairs, running into my grandfather on the way down.

"Sorry, grandpa!"

"Where are you going?" he chuckled.

"Taking a quick run!" I ran out the door slamming it behind me. Meeting Blake outside he looked, can I say H-O-T, hot.. he is wearing a muscle shirt, and what looked like black gym shorts that nearly  hit his tanned knees, he had his hands on his hips waiting for me, looking flakily impatient. I walked over to him, nearly blushing at the sight of him.

"Hey." He said smiling his prize winning gorgeous white smile.

"Hey, Ready?" I asked avoiding eye-contact, and clearing my throat.

"Not till' after this!"

"After wha-?" and out of nowhere he pulled me into a hug so tight a piece of paper couldn't fit between us. I blushed, and lightly wrapped my arms around him. While he pulled away, I looked down to hide my reddened face. He chuckled and set his hand on my quivering shoulder.

He frowned slightly, then pushed it away with a smile. "Alright, let's go."


We stopped at a road that hovered over a beach of sand and water. It was beautiful, I wasn't panting, I was bent over with my hands on my knees breathing slightly heavy. Blake chuckled lightly and I shook it off and sighed, but for a fact I know I'm getting out of shape I need to start exercising more, and maybe even practicing my kick boxing again.

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