Ch. 11

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I took a step towards the couple, a hand landing on my shoulder stopping me from making any further movements, I turned my head to look over my shoulder and smirked. "Typhus. How great to see you again."

"That's not a great idea, Xander. To intrude on her like this, you have no protection if you go near her. You have to go through me first you and I both know how that'll turn out." He said it cooly. He had a point but..

"You calling me weak, Typhus?", I chuckled. "Just because you used to be the Queen's  Favorite Knight, doesn;t mean you need to protect this scum." 

He crossed his arms. "Even if she does hold the power of the pure one. You still shouldn't approach her. It's not what Master assigned you to do. But, just to point out you did kill her parents. If any odds she remembers your face, and I doubt she could forget." He scoffed insulting me, then continued. "If she holds the power the master believes she has. She will not hold back." He fluttered his fingers, tapping then against his pale baring skin on his arm, then rolled his eyes.

"What makes you so sure she wouldn't remember my face?" I smirked.

"I'm sure she does, you looked right at her, watched the poor girl cry. I'm more than positive she remembers."

"Poor girl?" I laughed heartily. 

"You must seek a little sympathy. She watched her parents die, get torn to shreds at such a young age. Has been on the run for most of her like, to what? Only to be chased down and watched over an assumed power she supposedly holds that no vampire has had in a millenium? She half-human. " He didnt once take his eyes off the girl, but with that he glared at me through the corner of his eyes.

"You feel sympathy for this girl?" I frowned confused that out of everyone, Typhus held sympathy. He showed some sort of passion toward this girl. Maybe she brought back past memories of the Queen. He loved her, but she was already to be wed to someone else. They loved eachother, but broke it off years before the marriage. Only to become her knight, "Typhus. Tell me, what are you doign here? If this is my job, what are you doing?"

He shrugged his shoulders, and turned his gaze towards the girl again. "Such beauty." he whispered so quietly, it could've been mistaken as the wind. 

"Out of all people you have sympathy, for this girl. I am shocked." I laughed.

Turning into himself again, he turned his gaze towards me. "This is no laughing matter, Xander. You have no time to play house with Cassandra. You are suppose to be examining her by afar. Not face-to-face." he raised his voice intently. 

"Stop threatening me like a child! I have a plan, I can do this Typhus." I yelled angrily. 

"I'll stop treating you like a child when you stop acting like one," he folded his arms behind his lower back.

This angered me, I hated being treated like a child, I may be the youngest in the order, but I don't deserve to be treated with such non-sense. I'm more mature than most vampires and I will show Typhus he's wrong. I'll show all of them I can full-fill this task. Whether or not they believe me. Master gave this to me. Not them.

"Just butt out, Typhus!" I raised my voice again in anger.  He chukled and frowned.

"That's what I mean you get so defensive, you pout, and make a fit like a child." he turned towards me, his long black hair lifting in the wind. "I'll see you soon, Xander." and with that he disappeared. I turned my glare towards Cassandra and the boy. I tilted my head, tha boy..gave me an idea. If shecares so much for this boy, what risks will she go through to get him back? Hm. I chuckled to myself. I smiled, I guess we'll have to find smiled remained on the thr couple leaving the beach together side by side. He had his arm around her holding her close and I smiled once more and left the beach myself.


Blakes POV;

It's been a week since Cassandra told me her story, I didn't know what she actually went through, or held. I wouldn;t assume she was a girl in pain, but I guess looks can decieve you. Today, Cassandra came over to help study for our history test tomorrow.

"Blake, answer the question!", I smiled being snapped out of my thoughts by her sweet voice. Everyday since the day at the beach we've spent everyday after school together. Her, grandparents don't like it, but they're happy for her that she's made a friend I guess. Even though I still get those nasty glared by her grandma. But, I don't mind it. I love spending tie weith her..

She playfully nudged my shoulder. "Earth to Blake!", she laughed. 

Her laugh.. I smiled at her/ Her smiled dropped and she looked down, her face turning a pinkish-red.

"Wha-What are you looking at?" she stammered.

"You." I replied smiling more. 

"Why..?" she nervously flipped through the pages of the book.

"Because I love your laugh."

"It's hideous.."

"It's cute, I argued.

She looked up at me, grabbed a pillow  from my bed and threw it at me. "You liar!" she laughed.

I grabbed the pillow and tossed it aside. "You really want to go there?" I smiled. She put her hands on her hips, and half-smiled back.

"Why? What are you going to do about it?" She teased putting emphasis on the you.

"Hmm, this!" I leaped forward grabbing her and pinning her, tickling her sides.

"Blake st-stop!", she said through giggles. "Stop stop stop!"

Her giggle made me smilemore, I hadn't realized I was over her, tickling her sides on  my bed! The realization made me blush. I stopped tickling her, and stared into her beautiful eyes. Her eyes finally met him, as the realization hit her. We sat there for what seemed like hours in a whurlpool of silence. I was stuck in the moment, leaning inch by inch bringing my face closer to hers. Her lips, looked so soft. I stopped a breath away, Does she want me to kiss her?, I thought to myself.

"Blake..-" her breathless whisper came short, I could feel the warmth of her breath on my lips, making me want to kiss her more. Her eyes are so breath taking, I stared into her eyes searching for her answer. She put a hand on the side of my cheek, and brought my face closer. When she talked her lips swept across mine, making me shiver in delight.

"Kiss me.." it was breathless, so quiet it could've been mistaken as the wind. I pressed my lips against hers softly, but forcefully and, her lips moved in sync with mine.  A tear slid from her closed eye, and I wiped it away with my thumb. I set my forehead against her, and put both of my hands on the sides of her face.

"Cass..-" I whispered. She didn;t open her eyes. She removed my hands from her face, and turned away.

"I should go..", She whispered, grabbing her bag.

"Cass..," I frowned at her sudden emotion change. "what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just..-", she sniffled avoiding my eye contact I desperatley was trying to make. "I have to go."

She turned and walked out of my room, but I grabbed her hand stopping her. "Stay.." I begged her desperatley to stay.

She turned around to look at me with tear-full eyes, and a sad smile, that completley broke my heart.

"Good luck on the test tomorrow, Blake." she turned her back towards me, and walked away her hand sliding out of mine. I stood there, confused, and lost. Staring at her back as she walked away. My heart in her hand.



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