Chapter 1

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Once upon a time there was a King that ruled a large, thriving Kingdom. Everyone looked up at this man with great respect.

Yet the King was burdened. His love, the queen, could not have have another child. The Kingdom had a princess, but no prince for the throne. As worry started coming down on the King, he got desperate.

The King called forth all of his runners and sent them to find anyone that could solve his problem, be it even a witch.

Within days came news of a great witch that lived in a distant forest nearly at the edge of the King's kingdom. The King immediately summoned her to him.

When the witch arrived, the King treated her as royalty. She was bathed and dressed in the finest clothes, before brought before the King.

The witch was a smart, clever and brave woman. She knew what the King wanted.

Yes, she had the power to make the Queen pregnant. But the witch had her own secrets and pain, and in her mind was set. She didn't want the King and Queen to have happiness. And knowing the King's wishes, she had already devised a plan.

"Witch of the South woods, I have bathed you and dressed you in the finest clothes. I have for you riches you cannot even imagine. Please-will you help my Queen have a child?"

The witch complied. She threw together some strange ingredients, gave the mixture to the Queen, and left without a trace.

And fortune came to the King when his wife bore him a child.

The kingdom rejoiced in having a beautiful Prince, and the King and Queen planned a beautiful party in honor of him.

When the day arrived, everyone from all over was there. Nobles, peasants, beings from other Kingdoms. It was a beautiful occasion.

The witch of the south woods was invited, and seated next to the Queen.

As the Queen, King, and witch overlooked the ballroom filled with dancers swaying beautifully, the witch turned to the Queen.

"What did you name the new prince?" The witch asked.

It was an innocent question. After all, she practically was like a second mother to the boy. The Queen smiled.

"We named him Yuuri."

The witch smiled, a crazy glint in her eye.

"Yes, what a wonderful name. When will he be brought out to be blessed?"

"Quite soon, in the next hour."

The witch sat back and hummed.

Names are quite important things. With a name, you can force a being to do anything.

The witch never gave anyone her name, after all.

The prince was brought out to be blessed, and fairies lined up to bless the child.

One by one the fairies started to gift the child. There was one more fairy left, but was interrupted before she could say her blessing.

"I, the Witch of the South Woods would like to give this child a gift."

The witch's appearance itself was a thing to stare at. A large black cape and dress replaced her robes of finery.

Whispers came throughout the crowd, but since she was an important guest the whispers ceased quickly.

The witch smiled as she went up to the child.

His black hair, just a small fuzz, and his brown eyes stared up at her curiously. The little prince smiled.

The witch felt her heart melt a little, but rebuilt her resolve before it changed her mind.

"I come to bless this child. I give him a challenge. Before the sunset on Yuuri's twenty first birthday, Yuuri prick his finger on a spinning wheel die."

The witch then disappeared in smoke, leaving the whole room shocked speechless.

The Queen wailed, the sound echoing in the room which seemed to wake up the rest of the room.

Everything was chaos. Shouts and screams, crying, and there was even a few women that had fainted.

Then the Queen remembered the fairy.

The Queen ran up to the surprised fairy.

"You! You can do something! You can save my child!"

The fairy shook her head. "I'm sorry. I cannot undo her gift."

The Queen screamed. "This is not a gift! This is a curse!"

The fairy looked at her feet, her wings drooping as all eyes were on her. The whole room was now silent, watching the spectacle.

"I cannot undo it, but I can change it.."The fairy started, but was interrupted by the Queen.

"Yes! Please! Anything!"

The fairy nodded, and made her way to the now sleeping prince.

"I bless this child-instead of dying on his twenty first birthday, Yuuri will fall into a deep sleep of which can only be broken with true love's kiss."

The King ordered all the spinning wheels to be burned, dooming his whole kingdom to now sew by hand, and sent his son to a place even a witch couldn't find him.

With the prince the fairy was sent, to take care of him.

In a cottage, in a secluded woods, the boy was raised.

And he grew up strong, beautiful, kind, and loyal. His grace and ability to enchant someone made the fairy beam with pride, and all that ever met him fell in love with him.

Since there isn't much to do in a secluded woods, Yuuri took up something his Fairy Mother told him was called ice skating.

Over the years, he believed he did fairly well.

The day of his twenty first birthday was arriving, and he could only dread it. It was always the same, in these woods.

But that was about to change.


Authors Note: I legit wrote this story in 3 days, and it's been nearly ten months that it's been sitting in my 'to post list' because I was too lazy to write hashtags #bye

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